Although Feng Qingxue didn't know much about the secrets inside. After all, she had never been exposed to military matters in her previous life, and because Lu Jiang often talked about some things vaguely, she had only a partial understanding of them. However, she was very supportive of what her husband was doing. , he has always wanted to keep his country's armed forces from falling behind foreign countries, and he should do his best to help.

Lu Jiang only talked about some trivial family matters and news from his hometown brought by Lu's father. He would not disclose matters in the army.

My hometown has always been relatively peaceful. Even if something happens, it's just trivial things. Just listen to it. I'm very concerned about the situation of the elderly at home. Halfway through, the wind blows fine snow beads, like grains of salt. There were no signs at all, after all, it was daytime and the sun was shining brightly yesterday!

The strong wind blew against her face, and Feng Qingxue shivered directly, even though she had always been wearing thick clothes.

"Thankfully I came to pick you up. If you had to walk by yourself, how long would you have to walk? You'd be freezing by the time you get home."

Feng Qingxue said: "It only takes thirty or forty minutes to walk. I will treat it as exercise. I will have to leave the bicycle tomorrow."

Riding a bicycle on a snowy day is just asking for trouble, but walking can also promote blood circulation!

When you are over thirty, you have to exercise well. If you are in good health, everything will be fine. Moreover, you often undergo surgeries. You have to stand for several hours or a whole day, and your physical strength must keep up. If you don’t get up late occasionally, the bicycle will come in handy. Wind Qingxue didn't even want to spend more than one hundred yuan.

When he mentioned buying a bicycle, Lu Jiang coughed and said, "Don't forget to get some money for dad before he comes home."

The money in Father Lu's hands was probably all spent a long time ago. Fortunately, his family relied on sharing food to support themselves, and Feng Qingxue prepared all other aspects. The old man didn't spend much money, and with some subsidies from his grandchildren from time to time, his life was still the same. I am living a happy life, but I am inevitably a bit strapped when it comes to buying antiques.

He spent so much money that he was embarrassed to ask his son for it, even though everything he bought was given to his son and daughter-in-law.

Ke Xibao would say, because Lu’s father saw two things he liked in a neighboring village this fall and didn’t immediately pay for them. In the end, the little guy paid for them with his pocket money, so the little guy naturally knew that he was going to meet his parents and younger siblings. The joy made him remember it today and secretly told Lu Jiang.

Lu Jiang was also dumbfounded, but all the money in the family was in the hands of his wife, and he had to report to her.

Feng Qingxue patted her head and said with shame: "Look at my memory! I'll give you the passbook later. When you have time, go to the bank and withdraw a thousand yuan and deposit it in the passbook in dad's hand. When the old man comes home, It doesn’t matter if we can’t remember it.”

Although their family usually spends a lot of money, their salary is also high. The couple has more than 400 yuan in total. Without buying high-priced goods, they can have a balance of about 300 yuan every month. Plus Lu Tianjun and Guan Cheng every month They still send money every month. With the higher rank, the salary has increased. It has not decreased because of marriage, children and Feng Qingxue's rejection. On the contrary, it has become much more than before. Feng Qingyun and Lu Tianzhi and Guan Qingxue, who just worked I sent her as little as ten or eight yuan, or as much as twenty or thirty yuan, showing filial piety.

Therefore, they can save up to 1,000 yuan in two or three months, and it is a pleasure to give it to the elderly.

Turning away from the old man's lack of money, the couple continued chatting about trivial family matters. Passers-by who saw this scene would smile heartily, not forgetting to say hello, and at the same time be extremely envious.

Why? The couple has a good relationship, who doesn't know.

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