Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue did not leave the army directly, but first went to the medical clinic where the special forces brigade was located, observed the conditions of several patients, and then explained some precautions.

Although there are doctors on duty, Feng Qingxue will never be careless in her responsibility.

Lu Jiang has never had the airs of a leader. It's not official business and he doesn't travel by car. But the security guard doesn't agree. He has to follow. The burden on his shoulders is so heavy. If there is really a danger, who can bear the consequences? If he really followed the rules, he would have to be accompanied by a large group of people, and the security personnel would make relevant arrangements when traveling. This was one of the reasons why the couple sneaked away.

By the time Liu Ran and Zhao Qing came over panting, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue had disappeared.

The two wanted to have a world of two, but as soon as they got on the bus, they saw a group of young people in military uniforms, laughing and preparing to enter the city. It seemed that they were not on duty today.

"Hello, leader!" The voice was louder and the salute was neat.

"Sit down, everyone, just pretend you don't know me!" They don't stop when they leave the house, they are a bunch of brats.

A group of young people laughed, looked at Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue, and winked.

Lu Jiang's approachability also made them fearless in life.

"The boss takes my sister-in-law shopping, right? That's right. My sister-in-law usually works so hard. There are a lot of products in department stores during the New Year. The boss has to buy two more clothes and shoes for my sister-in-law."

It was Tieniu who spoke. Feng Qingxue glared, "Why do I see you again? Not on duty?"

A soldier next to Tieniu said with a smile: "Even if he is on duty, Tieniu has to take a leave. Sister-in-law Ronghua introduced Tieniu to someone, a worker from a quilt factory. Let's go meet Tieniu. It's done, we Just one more sister-in-law.”

Feng Qingxue was not sure who Ronghua's sister-in-law was. She should be a family member of the army.

The state and the army arrange jobs for family members accompanying the army. Some are in army compounds, some are in local urban areas, and some are in factories and units around the army. Therefore, it is normal for military wives to introduce girls from outside the army to soldiers.

"Good boy, behave well!" Lu Jiang patted Tieniu on the shoulder.

Tieniu immediately straightened his back and said, "I promise to complete the mission!"

Whether the mission would be completed or not, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue did not follow up, so it was unclear because they separated when they arrived in the city.

There was really nowhere to go except the department store movie theater. When they arrived at the movie theater and asked which movies were being played, including Hawthorn, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue lost interest.

When they were about to leave the cinema, they heard someone calling them from behind. It was the leader. When they turned around, they saw that they were really familiar.

"Han Ping? Why are you here?" Lu Jiang was particularly happy to suddenly see his old subordinates in the old army.

Han Ping scratched his forehead and said, "Retired from the army and returned to his hometown."

I have reached the age but not the rank. Apart from retiring from the army, there is no other way to go. That is to change careers. That is also the matter of the officers. It is not their turn. Fortunately, during my years as a soldier, I followed Lu Jiang and accumulated some connections. I will find him when I get home. Got a good job.

This kind of thing is very common. Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue didn't find it strange, but they just didn't expect Han Ping to be from Wucheng.

Feng Qingxue asked him if he had a wife now. He had previously promised Han Ping to find a wife for him, and later introduced two girls to him, but in the end it didn't work out. Han Ping was probably discouraged and didn't continue.

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