Hearing Feng Qingxue's question, Han Ping's dark and rough face turned red.

"That means getting married?" Feng Qingxue teased him.

Han Ping coughed and said sheepishly: "Not yet, we've just talked about it. After being discharged from the army, I have been busy with work. I introduced a few people to others, but they didn't work out. It wasn't until early winter this year that we talked about one, and it was settled not long after. "

Feng Qingxue's heart dropped, "That's good, that's good, she must be a very good young woman."

Han Ping nodded heavily, and the smile on his face showed that Feng Qingxue was right.

Lu Jiang asked him about his current work situation and learned that he was assigned to the local police station. He was treated well in all aspects and was considered a cadre. The target was the niece of the police station director, who was a nurse. His mother was neither required to take care of the child nor was he a nurse. He requires a heavy betrothal gift and thirty-six legs, and his character is quite good.

Upon hearing this, Feng Qingxue knew the reasons why the previous ones failed. One must have asked Han Ping to take care of the children, and the other had extremely high requirements in terms of betrothal gifts.

Although she didn't know that Han Ping's hometown was near Wucheng, Feng Qingxue knew about his family situation.

He is a rural soldier. My mother is in her hometown. She has an elder brother and a younger brother. They are all married and have children. A large group of children are all looked after by my mother. During the years he was a soldier, his brothers took care of his mother, so he could only provide some subsidies. Living expenses, I feel guilty. I naturally don’t want to trouble my elderly mother when I get married and have children, and I may not be able to afford the high bride price.

"When is the wedding date?" Lu Jiang asked.

Han Ping said with a smile: "On the twenty-fourth day of the twelfth lunar month, there are no taboos. When the leader and sister-in-law are free, come and have a drink."

Lu Jiang agreed, "If you don't have a mission, I will definitely come over."

Anyway, Han Ping also followed him, and he had to come to support Han Ping.

"Thank you, leader!" Han Ping suddenly smiled, "By the way, why is the leader here? Is he transferred to the Wucheng army? That's great. I didn't expect to be so close."

"You have to stay in the army for a few years. If you have any problems, come to the army to see us. Don't be polite to my brothers." After Feng Qingxue finished speaking, she then asked with concern: "How are your old cold legs? It's such a cold world. Daxue, why don't you rest at home? I'm far away from you, and I can't send you any medicine. If you still feel pain, go to the army and get it yourself. We have supplied a lot of it in the past two years."

It was okay if I didn’t mention it, but when I mentioned it, Han Ping’s joints felt a dull pain, and he hurriedly said: “Okay, I’ll go find my sister-in-law to get the medicine another day. After my sister-in-law left, I found someone to make the prescription according to the prescription she gave me, but it didn’t work. Sister-in-law is a good match."

The recipe for medicinal oil was not only handed over to the country, but also copied to many soldiers. Feng Qingxue and Wu Zheng had no selfish intentions at the time.

Medicine is used to save people, and secret recipes do not exist in their lives. Throughout the ages, many secret recipes have been lost, isn't it because the owners treasure their brooms?

Feng Qingxue said: "Okay, you are busy, we will leave first."

"No, sister-in-law, it's rare to meet each other. I'll treat you and the boss to dinner. The economy has developed a lot in recent years, and the supply of state-owned restaurants has increased several times compared to ten years ago." Han Ping still knows etiquette very well.

Lu Jiang looked at his watch. It was half past eight. They came out early and didn't have breakfast, so he agreed.

The three of them moved to the state-owned hotel, and Han Ping ordered a lot of breakfast in one go.

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