In the wind and snow, the couple wandered around, including bookstores, department stores, and grocery stores. They never came out empty-handed every time. After lunch, they decided to end their world.

I ate all the bacon, oatmeal, mutton, etc. I not only ate them, but also packed some to take home.

The snow stopped at noon. Feng Qingyunzheng and Luo Xiuxiu took the triplets to build snowmen. There were three in a pile, and they had to be exactly the same, otherwise none of the triplets would want to. Fortunately, they were young and it was difficult to tell them apart. Whether the snowmen are really exactly the same or not, they are satisfied if they look almost the same, and their cheeks are as rosy as blooming flowers.

Seeing their parents' figures appearing at the door, Dundun and Zhuangzhuang were stunned for a moment and immediately ran away. Only Lu Erxiong thought of his unhappiness at not seeing his parents in the morning and snorted and turned his head.

Feng Qingxue didn't take it seriously, "Xiaoyun, why are you free today?"

"It's too cold to rehearse, so the group will give us a few days off." Feng Qingyun knows how to combine work and rest. Of course, she comes to join her sister during her breaks. The feeling of being with her family is completely different from that of the group. .

Feng Qingxue hummed, "It's just the right time for you to come. Hu Ping sent a lot of wild mountain products to you earlier. You pick some good ones and send them to Jiaoyang and his mother. His mother is weak and needs supplements. You can add an extra wild mountain product. Come in, I guess the ones I took out last time are almost used up, Xiuxiu, you too, pick some products from the Northeast and send them to your home."

"Thank you, Auntie. We don't need it at home. We don't lack anything at home." The old man's level is there. Many ingredients are taken from the supply department. Lack of food and clothing will not happen in the Luo family.

"It's just a game. Each family can share it. It's not too much." Jin Laoqi could receive part of it, not to mention the Luo family?

Luo Xiuxiu didn't refuse after hearing this. The worst she could do was ask her mother to double the gift in return so that the Lu family wouldn't suffer.

The New Year is approaching, and everyone has begun to prepare New Year's goods.

Father Lu also brought a lot of things here, but there was nothing else in the food except dried vegetables. He knew that his son's house was not short of these things, so he brought over some valuable and small jewelry and antiques that he had collected recently.

Xibao was secretly sent to his parents' bedroom at night. "My grandpa and I went to many places and all the money was spent."

Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles.

Xibao has a lot to learn, so Father Lu naturally wants him to come into contact with real objects. Only by learning through contact with real objects can he identify the authenticity of antiques, calligraphy and paintings, and understand traditional culture.

However, all the collections at home were in Feng Qingxue's space, so Lu's father could only take his grandson around to hunt for treasures.

With the convenience of Lu Tianzhi's job at the scrap yard, his grandfather and grandson can come across one or two things every now and then. They may not be extremely valuable, but they all have cultural significance. Especially when you bring Xibao with you, your luck is incredible. One time, I met a down-and-out capitalist descendant who was selling off his ancestors' old belongings. He almost asked Father Lu to help him.

Xibao cupped his cheek and watched his mother take out an jade bracelet from her bag and put it on her wrist. She asked him if it looked good. "It looks good. Mom looks good on everything she wears, but she can't wear it outside. It's a pity."

This bracelet is not of the highest quality, not even of ice type, but it is emerald green all over and very bright.

Red, emerald, emerald, and purple are precious. To say they are beautiful, to Feng Qingxue, they are still green and full of vitality.

Just like Xibao said, no matter how good-looking they are, they should not be worn out. On the day they attended the wedding of Han Ping and Liu Yan, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue were dressed in military uniforms without any decorations.

. . . Already suffering from collapse, hating unscrupulous merchants

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