Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1609 Abandoned baby in front of the car 1

There are a lot of jewelry collected in the space, but none of them can be worn on the body. The Baochai and jade bracelets are covered in dust. Thinking about it makes me very depressed.

Feng Qingxue sat in the green jeep with her chin in her hands. The bright red cashmere scarf made her feel better.

After seeing Han Ping and returning to the army, Feng Qingxue had time to look for Liu Yan, but the girl had already taken wedding leave and did not see her. However, knowing that their wedding was being held in the police station cafeteria, the couple rushed there directly.

As soon as they entered the door, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue saw someone taking the initiative to hand over their food stamps or rations to the person in charge.

Feng Qingxue couldn't help but think of the scene when Lu Jiang took her to visit his comrades more than ten years ago. They brought their own rations to Chen Ming's house in the same way. Then she thought that we rarely visit other people's homes unless we have a very good relationship. Even if they have a good relationship, most people will bring their own food rations, which is a unique landscape of this era.

Fast forward more than ten years, and everyone still insists on this way of being guests.

The level of contact between Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue in their lives now is different from that of more than ten years ago. In fact, they were still in a stage of lack of food and clothing in the 1970s, but it was just better than the three difficult years.

Among the visitors, eight out of ten had patches on their clothes.

Lu Jiang signaled the guard to hand over four kilograms of food stamps and gave him a gift of twenty yuan.

Although this kind of custom is not encouraged, food and drinks cost money and cannot be borne entirely by the newlyweds. Therefore, most guests will choose to give gifts, ranging from one or two yuan to five yuan, which is similar to those who hold weddings in the countryside. The difference in the amount of gift money was limited, and Feng Qingxue saw that their twenty yuan was the most on the gift list.

The person in charge immediately said: "It's too much, too much, and two taels of food stamps per person is enough."

Han Ping didn't get married just to receive gifts.

"There are four of us in total, and we don't have much money or food stamps. They have a big appetite. Two taels of food stamps are only a steamed bun. How can it be enough for them to eat?" Feng Qingxue said with a smile.

Lu Jiang has a high position, thick eyebrows and sharp eyes, and is quite majestic, while Feng Qingxue is elegant and dignified, with a solemn appearance, and there are guards behind him. At first glance, he is a senior cadre in the army. How can the person in charge dare to neglect him? Just as he was about to speak, he saw Han Ping and Liu Yan running over in a hurry. The former could not express the joy between his eyebrows, while the latter was extremely surprised.

"Leader, sister-in-law!"

"Army Commander, Doctor Feng!"

Han Ping and Liu Yan spoke at the same time, calling the same person but with completely different names. Then you looked at me and I looked at you.

Liu Yan blurted out: "Han Ping, the old leader you are talking about is the Army Chief?"

"Yes! When I was shopping that day, didn't I tell you that I met an old leader from the past, who was in your army?"

"I thought the old leader you mentioned was already very old. I didn't expect him to be Army Chief and Doctor Feng." For low-ranking people like them, the higher-ranking people in the army are all leaders. Liu Yan did not ask the names carefully, nor did she He couldn't imagine that the highest officer in the army would come to attend his wedding with Han Ping, so he was so surprised when he saw Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue.

Thinking of this, Liu Yan complained that Han Ping didn't make it clear to her.

Feng Qingxue directly ignored the fact that she had seen Liu Yan and Han Ping entering the department store, and said with a smile: "You girl didn't mention that you were getting married. If you hadn't come to Han Ping's wedding to see you, you would be the bride. , I didn’t even know you were getting married.”

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