Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1610 Abandoned baby in front of the car 2

Liu Yan was a little embarrassed, "It's just a marriage, we don't plan to make it public."

Mainly because she is just a young nurse, her popularity cannot be said to be good or bad, and her work is not very good. She has never thought of informing her colleagues in the military hospital, and is worried that she will feel like receiving a gift if she informs them. Everyone lives a good life. It’s not easy, so why bother your leaders and colleagues? So I invited my close relatives and friends and Han Ping’s colleagues to have a meal.

It would be unsightly to hold a wedding in the police station cafeteria without inviting Han Ping's colleagues, and they are his uncle's subordinates.

Feng Qingxue gave a beautiful smile and said, "We have been working together for a few months. We should tell you everything. You can't alienate me just because I have been temporarily transferred to another position."

"Temporarily transferred? Will you be transferred back?" Liu Yan was very happy. She liked working with Feng Qingxue very much.

Excellent job, good natured, always a pleasure to get along with.

"You can't say for sure." Feng Qingxue replied with a smile.

First, the original doctor of the Special Forces Brigade is very likely to return to work after recovering from injury. Second, she cannot hold both work and teaching foreign languages ​​responsibilities for a long time. She is currently waiting for instructions from the above on hiring foreign language talents.

Lu Jiang didn't wait for Liu Yan to ask further questions and handed over the gifts Feng Qingxue had prepared for them, including a wool blanket, a water-red towel and a pair of red pillows for playing with each other, "Congratulations to both of you."

Han Ping said sheepishly: "It's enough for the chief and my sister-in-law to come. Why give such a heavy gift?"

Liu Yan nodded beside her. Woolen blankets and towel quilts are not something you can just buy. She and Han Ping spent a lot of effort to prepare two new quilts, one for each bed, and some daily necessities given by relatives and friends. It’s already very popular. When most people get married, they live together with two people’s bedding, and they don’t distinguish between new and old quilts at all.

Lu Jiang said: "Why are my brothers so polite? Don't you invite us in to sit down?"

"Please, please, please!" Han Ping heard this and quickly invited them in.

Cadre uniforms were different from ordinary soldier uniforms. The couple looked outstanding and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Who is that? He looks very impressive."

"Probably the old leader Han Ping mentioned, so young."

"With guards, what level does that have to have guards?"

Upon hearing this, Liu Yan's uncle, Director Liu, immediately called Liu Yan's parents and eldest brother Han Ping to come over.

"Han Ping, Liu Yan, who are these two leaders?" Director Liu had dealt with the troops and could tell at a glance that they were extraordinary.

Han Ping said hurriedly: "Uncle, these two are my old leaders, Comrade Lu Jiang and Comrade Feng Qingxue."

Director Liu was shocked and said hurriedly: "Two leaders, please come in, please come in!"

He never expected that the old leader Han Ping was talking about was the army commander of the Wucheng Army who took office last year. These two names were well known, and he never expected that Lu Jiang and his wife would attend Han Ping's wedding in person.

Seeing Director Liu's respectful attitude, how could others not understand the distinguished status of the visitor? The voices were much quieter.

Lu Jiang knew what he was doing and tried his best to smile to resolve the serious and sharp look on his face, "Han Ping has been with me for a few years. Today is his big day. Let's not be so polite."

"Yes, if you keep doing this, we will be embarrassed to attend the next wedding."

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