Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1618 The fox pretends to be the tiger's power 4

Worried about the long nights and dreams, Qinghe quickly followed Feng Teng to the brigade office and filled out a registration form. Feng Teng stamped it and handed it in tomorrow. Along with it, there was another young man's registration, who was also a relatively outstanding Feng family child. .

After Fenglei and Zhao Guihua returned home with a full load, they learned about the incident and had no objections.

"Okay, okay, soldiers are paid, and the salary is very high. From now on, you will send your salary home every month. Anyway, the army will be responsible for your food and clothing in the army, so there is no place to spend money!" Zhao Guihua He said cheerfully, "The work value of our brigade is too low. When your brother got married, he had to make quilts and clothes. He also had to prepare a banquet. He squeezed his head and bought some pork rinds and candy cubes. He saved ten dollars in his hand. All the money has been spent in a few years, and I am worried that I will have no money to live in the future!”

Perhaps thinking that what she said was a bit inappropriate for her younger son, Zhao Guihua rolled her eyes and quickly said the next sentence: "The main thing is to save your salary to marry you a wife, and marrying a wife costs money. "

Fenglei nodded beside him, "Your eldest brother has spent all the family's money on getting a wife, so you can only rely on yourself to get a wife."

Qingshan also encouraged: "Erbao, you must pass the screening, become a soldier, and be promoted. Our family will depend on you in the future! You must know that if I sign up to join the army, you will have no chance. You This opportunity is given to you, so don’t forget the great kindness our father and mother have shown you.”

Qinghe smiled slightly, "Yes, brother is right!"

What a fart!

Qinghe felt cold in his heart. His eldest brother couldn't bear the hardship. The militia company had selected him before, but the eldest brother didn't agree and had to replace him. As a result, he couldn't bear the hardship of training and ran back pretending to be sick.

The current quota for joining the army was given by Feng Teng, but in his words, it turned into an opportunity given to him. Is it shameful?

Growing up, what my eldest brother had, I didn’t necessarily have. What I had, my eldest brother also had, but he still had to take it away from me.

The so-called brotherhood is worthless to him.

Zhao Guihua didn't know that her youngest son had always been obedient to her husband and wife in order to live a quiet life after he became a teenager. She smiled from ear to ear and said, "Yes, yes, this is the opportunity your brother gave you. , you must take good care of it, and don't forget to repay your brother, you are brothers, brothers are like brothers. "

Faced with this attitude of his parents, Qinghe wanted to escape from this home even more.

When he was a child, he was ignorant and his brother bullied his sister-in-law. He thought it was natural. As he grew older and with the guidance of his teacher, he understood right and wrong. He hated himself both as a child and as he grew up. He hated himself all the time. They all live in the shadow of their parents, unable to see the sunshine outside.

Leaving home was his only way out, and joining the army was his lifelong ambition.

God was probably willing to bless him. In early March of the following year, he passed the conscription screening and became a recruit with honor. He finally left his hometown and participated in recruit training.

Recruit training usually lasts three months. Qinghe worked very hard. He didn't want to fall behind others or go home, so he had to work harder.

The commander of the new company naturally saw it, and no one disliked such soldiers.

After the training, Qinghe was assigned to the Wucheng Army in the Capital Military Region. When he set off with the recruits assigned to the Wucheng Army, it was already hot summer.

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