Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1619 Aunt and nephew meet for the first time 1

The winter in Wucheng is cold and long, the spring is very windy and sandy, and the summer is cooler than in the south and the capital.

The geographical location of Huaihai City is rather awkward. It is neither south nor north. Generally speaking, it belongs to the north. It mainly eats pasta. Moreover, Qinghe has been used to farm work since he was a child. His training results are very good and he adapts very quickly. At the same time, he also knows that the commander of the army is Lu Jiang.

Feng Qingxue had been married for more than ten years, and Qinghe didn't have a deep impression of her, no, almost no impression, let alone his uncle Lu Jiang.

Because he went to junior high school in Wanglou Brigade, he had met Xibao several times.

Although everyone said that one of Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue was handsome and tall, and the other outstandingly beautiful, it was hard for Qinghe to imagine what it was like for them to be absent from home for many years and still be talked about by everyone.

Unlike his parents, uncles, aunts, brothers, and cousins, Qinghe didn't have a good relationship with his aunts. He always pretended to be powerful and took advantage of their power to benefit himself. He never mentioned his relationship with Feng Qingxue's aunt and nephew in the army. When others asked about him Regarding his family situation, he said that he was born into a poor peasant and had a high school education, which was higher than that of most rural soldiers.

A person with a high level of education will be taken seriously. What's more, Qinghe is particularly handsome. He has the Chinese character face that is most favored by everyone. He has long eyebrows and handsome eyes. After several months of military training, he has lost his gentleness and solidity, and his strong eyebrows reveal awe-inspiring Righteous.

Lu Jiang attaches great importance to the good talents among this batch of recruits. After two months of training, the first name he saw was Feng Qinghe.

At first, he didn't expect that Feng Qinghe was the second son of his brother-in-law, because the two families had no contact, and his wife didn't know the name of her nephew. She just thought that this surname was more affectionate, and the color of Qingqing and Yundanfengqing were light. Homophonic. Later, when I saw his composition, place of origin, parents' names and other related information, I frowned involuntarily.

Fenglei's son joined the army? And they were assigned to the Wucheng troops?

It was a coincidence that Lu Jiang didn't think much about it. Except for some high-ranking cadres who had connections in their families, all the recruits were randomly assigned and could go to people from all over the world. There was no chance of manipulation.

Except for Feng Qingxue, there was no one in the Feng family who could use their personal power to arrange troops for Feng Qinghe.

Lu Jiang put down the information on Feng Qinghe and continued to read the information on the next good seedling, so that he knew it well.

After half a year of training and elimination, the original special forces force of more than 2,000 people now has only 1,000 people left, and the elimination process continues. It is conservatively estimated that only about 500 people will be left in the end. Therefore, Lu Jiang has contacted all major military regions. This year we will continue to select top talents and send them here. No matter what, we must first train the strongest special forces for the country!

There were fewer special forces in training, and the burden on Feng Qingxue's shoulders was also lighter. Dr. Li, who was originally injured, recovered and returned to the team. Then the superiors agreed to Lu Jiang's request and sent three old professors who were proficient in foreign languages ​​​​from various countries and had excellent compositions. come over.

Feng Qingxue is relatively relaxed now, her work is on track, she has time to continue studying, and she also has time to care about her children.

At the beginning of this spring, Feng Qingyun returned to the capital with the group to prepare for further study abroad. Luo Xiuxiu also returned to the capital to continue school after the rumors subsided, taking away several basic Chinese medicine books. Feng Qingxue and Lu Jiang sent the triplets to When the school went to kindergarten, Zhu Lei only had to be responsible for picking up the children, doing laundry, cooking and cleaning. Cheng Baoguo and Wang Cuilan and their wives followed Lu's father and grandson back to Huaihai City before the busy farming season.

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