Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1620 Aunt and nephew meet for the first time 2

In the blink of an eye, summer ends and autumn arrives.

Wucheng borders Inner Mongolia and the Northeast. The summer is relatively short. Autumn comes quickly and gets cold very quickly. There is no such thing as autumn tiger. It seems that if you wore a shirt yesterday, you have to add a thick coat on top of the shirt today.

Feng Qingxue didn't wear a coat, and added a sky blue woolen V-neck waistcoat to her white shirt.

The shirt and waistcoat were both common styles, but they looked fresh and delicate when worn on her. Lu Jiang glanced at them again and again.

That look made Feng Qingxue blush and her heart beat.

"What are you looking at?" Feng Qingxue glared at him, spreading her hair that had just been washed and wiped with a towel until it didn't drip.

This hair is black and shiny, like satin, and waist-length. Even though it is troublesome to wash it and it often freezes in winter, she is reluctant to cut it off. She only simply trims the ends of her hair on February 2 every year. The length continues to increase.

Lu Jiang also fell in love with her hair and was about to touch it when Lu Erxiong rushed in from the door shouting.

"Mom, is there anything to eat? I'm starving!"

Ye Yan and Fu Bao walked slowly behind with Dundun and Zhuangzhuang. Four schoolbags, large and small, were hung on Ye Yan. They were talking and laughing, showing a harmonious atmosphere, unlike Lu Erxiong who was always in a hurry about everything he did. look like.

Ye Yan and Fu Bao are older and do not need their parents to take them to and from school. Instead, they take their younger brothers to and from school with them.

As a result, Zhu Lei felt much more relaxed.

There was no danger in the army compound, and the school was not far from home. Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue gradually felt relieved.

Feng Qingxue did not answer Lu Erxiong's words, but first went to pick up the schoolbag from Ye Yan, "You kid, aren't you tired of carrying so many schoolbags?"

"I'm not tired!" Ye Yan said honestly, "Fu Bao and I just put a few books and a pencil case in our schoolbags, and the triplets just put a few little books. We're not tired at all, really! "

He was afraid that Feng Qingxue wouldn't believe it, so he accentuated his tone in the end.

"Even if you're not tired, you can't carry their schoolbags for them." Feng Qingxue turned to teach her daughter, Dundun, and Zhuangzhuang, "Do your own thing, don't bother brother Ye Yan, you know?"

Fu Bao nodded obediently, "Look, brother Ye Yan, have I been punished? Don't carry my schoolbag for me anymore."

Ye Yan smiled and shrugged, "It's okay, Auntie didn't scold you, she just cared about me being tired! I'm an older brother, isn't it natural for me to carry schoolbags for my younger siblings? If my dad sees me not helping you, Schoolbag, if I don’t help my brother with his schoolbag, I will be scolded as not being a good brother!”

Therefore, it is better for him to listen to his father.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't listen to his aunt, she won't scold him, but his father is different and always wants him to be a good brother.

Feng Qingxue was helpless, with several schoolbags hanging on her arms, "When will your father come back and ask him to come to me? As a child, you have to cultivate independence from an early age. How can I rely on you for everything? You are an elder brother, right?" reason."

Ye Yan and Fu Bao stuck out their tongues, and Lu Erxiong put his head between them dissatisfied, "I'm hungry!"

Zhu Lei wore an apron around his waist and walked into the house with a pot of mushroom stewed chicken from the kitchen. He said with a smile: "The food is ready, Erxiong, have you and your brothers, sisters and brothers washed their hands? After washing our hands, we will It’s time to eat.”

Smelling the aroma wafting from the enamel basin, Lu Erxiong's saliva suddenly flowed out, "It's chicken!"

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