Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1621 Aunt and nephew meet for the first time 3

It's National Day, one of the major festivals since the founding of the People's Republic of China, so chicken and fish are naturally available.

The live fish were kept in the water tank. Zhu Lei didn't want to kill them, so he stewed the chicken first. There were more people than there were chickens, so the chickens were picked out and put into the children's bowls. The adults ate some mushrooms, which tasted delicious.

There were several other dishes on the table, all of which were vegetarian. The tofu stew was delicious, and Feng Qingxue ate a lot.

After lunch, the children went to school, leaving Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue free.

Lu Jiang sent the guards and orderlies to the study to read and study. Finally, he got his wish and touched his wife's hair. He stood next to her and watched her draw. The grasshoppers on the paper were lifelike.

"After we finish painting, let's go out for a walk. What's it like being stuck at home all day?"

Feng Qingxue thought it made sense and put down her painting brush. "It's okay. I've been here for a year and I've been either busy with work or taking care of my family. I really didn't bother to visit the military camp in a serious way."

The family compound and the military training camp area are separate, and despite her busy schedule, she goes there very rarely.

Lu Jiang had long wanted to take her around, but as soon as he entered the camp, he heard the training slogans.

The afternoon is usually the time to study the guiding ideology, but not all are like this, so there are still people sweating profusely on the training ground. Lu Jiang has added a lot of training content to the recruits, hoping to select some who have excellent physical fitness and are extremely good in certain aspects. Highly talented recruits enter the special forces unit for training, and those who fail are returned.

The couple did not interfere with the soldiers' training and walked on the edge of the training ground.

"By the way, I seem to have forgotten to tell you something."

Feng Qingxue was stunned, "What's the matter?"

Lu Jiang said without hesitation: "My uncle's son is also among this year's recruits. He performed particularly well. He is a talent. I found out about it two days ago when I checked the information on outstanding recruits."

"He has two sons in his family, one is called Dabao and the other is called Erbao. Which one is he?"

Feng Qingxue disliked those two pairs of brothers and sisters-in-law very much, and she also disliked the nieces and nephews from her mother's family. Until now, she still remembered the past when Dabao, Erbao and Dani took advantage of their mother's plunder while she was not at home, especially That Dabao and Erbao ate the cornbread he left for his sister, not to mention that Dabao even pushed his sister down.

How to repay kindness with kindness?

Lu Jiang thought for a while, "My name is Feng Qinghe. He is the second son. He should be the second treasure you mentioned. He is eighteen years old this year."

"Yes, it's the second treasure!" Feng Qingxue frowned, "Who gave the name? Do you understand the rules? Although Qing and Qing have the same pronunciation but different words, they shouldn't use this name. The original name of Qinlaozi is It’s called Feng Qinglei.”

"How many people today are particular about not violating the taboo of naming their elders when choosing names? In the eyes of many people, that is old thinking and old culture."

Feng Qingxue disagreed with this statement.

She is born in the 1990s, and her parents still followed the rules of the old family when naming her. They chose her according to her seniority and did not violate the taboos of the elders. Many people in rural areas who are not well educated will also pay attention to this when naming their children and grandchildren.

Lu Jiang smiled and said: "Okay, okay, let's not mention this. By the way, why did uncle give you such a soft name in the first place?"

In the eyes of many people, the name is a bit frivolous. Some people suggested that he change Feng Qingxue's name. Even if it removes the word "qing", it will be more solemn. However, Lu Jiang always goes in one ear and out the other. After so many years of name change, he has changed it. What's the point? He just thinks the name Feng Qingxue is very nice, the snow is floating in the wind, as light as catkins.

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