Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1622 Aunt and nephew meet for the first time 4

Not only did he change his name, but someone also suggested to him that Feng Qingxue cut his hair.

They believe that long hair is cumbersome and represents old ideas and culture. It is not as lean and light as short hair, which is convenient for training and work. The first thing many female soldiers do when they join the army is to be forced to have a haircut. Even if they keep their hair, it is only long enough to tie two and a half hairs. A braid about a foot long.

Lu Jiang was too lazy to pay attention. With his ability, he could still keep his wife's name and hair.

Feng Qingxue also knew these two things and almost laughed out loud. The rules were too lenient. Skirts could not be worn and hair could not be grown. We could wear cheongsam and bragi more than ten or twenty years ago, but now we can only wear them. Long pants, long sleeves, short sleeves and shorts are not allowed on the upper body.

"I don't know why my uncle chose these names. Thunder, rain, snow and clouds are all related to the weather. However, according to seniority, our generation seems to be the younger generation. If you want to complain, just blame the ancestors of the Feng family for not listing seniority enough. Noble, dignified and cultured.”

Many girls only have nicknames and are not named according to their seniority, just like Hongling.

Feng Qingxue herself doesn't care about how the Feng family's seniority is arranged. Lu Jiang naturally won't continue to ask, "Let's not mention it, let's not mention it, it's boring to mention it, but you, my nephew, do you want to meet him?"

"No!" Feng Qingxue replied categorically, "I have nothing to do with him, so why meet? Xiaoyun and I will probably never forget what those two brothers and sisters did in our lives. Since he joined the army, and Excellent recruit, it shows that I am very capable. Let’s continue to rely on ourselves from now on. We will not interfere, do not obstruct or support, let it take its course.”

Sometimes we can't talk so much. The couple walked around the camp and were about to leave. They met a company of recruits who were running with heavy loads. The leader was Feng Qinghe.

With his thick eyebrows and heroic appearance, he stood out among the new recruits.

"Hello, leader!" The recruits stood at attention and saluted, as if they were flowing smoothly. Their etiquette was extremely standard.

Lu Jiang returned the salute and said, "Continue training."


The recruit company continued to move forward. Feng Qinghe suppressed the curiosity in his heart and did not look back. However, he still noticed the looks of Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue. He couldn't believe that his aunt was already in her thirties and she still looked like she was eighteen or nineteen years old. The same girl.

After the training, it was rest time. Qinghe sat down and heard someone around him say: "Did you see it? It's the Army Commander and his revolutionary partner. I didn't expect that there would be such a young Army officer at such an old age." There is an age difference of twenty years among our revolutionary comrades, right? But I seem to have heard that the Army Commander has five children. Could it be that this revolutionary partner married later?"

Tieniu was in charge of their training and gave him a slap on the back of the head, "What are you talking about? Why did you marry first and then marry later? Our army commander has always been a revolutionary comrade!"

The speaker's name was Yu Zihao. He touched the back of his head and said, "It doesn't look like him at all."

"Don't you just want to say that the Army Commander and my sister-in-law look very different in age?" Tieniu rolled his eyes at him, "Actually, they are not as big as they look. My sister-in-law is over thirty this year, but she doesn't look old."

"Then our army commander is really lucky." His wife is so young and beautiful, she is the most beautiful person Yu Zihao has ever seen.

After saying this, Yu Zihao turned to Feng Qinghe, "Hey, by the way, Qinghe, I remember you are from Huaihai City, right? You and Chief Lu are from the same hometown, right?"

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