Qinghe had been silently listening to his comrades chatting, but he did not expect that the topic would turn to himself.

His place of origin could not be concealed. He thought for a while and replied: "Our Huaihai City is a battleground for military strategists. There are many important figures in our country and the world. Marshal Wang and the Army Chief are all from our Huaihai City. Our Huaihai City Secretary Zhao was also a hero who changed his career due to a broken arm, so I kept learning from them and joined the army as I wished."

After hearing what he said, several people gathered around.

"So, your Huaihai City is full of heroes and outstanding people!"

"No wonder you work so hard, because you have a learning goal."

"Well done!"

There was a lot of chatter, and soon no one asked whether he and Lu Jiang were from the same hometown.

Qinghe breathed a sigh of relief quietly in his heart, looked in the direction of the camp gate, and silently cheered himself up.

He must work harder and harder. Even if he can't recognize his aunt and uncle, he can't embarrass them. He doesn't want anyone to mention him as Feng Qingxue and Lu Jiang's nephew after they know about his relationship with them. He I hope that with my own efforts, others will say that Lu Jiang and his wife are Feng Qinghe's aunt and uncle.

Suddenly feeling pain in his shoulder, Tieniu sat down next to him, "Where are you from in Huaihai City? What's going on at home?"

"I think there should be information about me in the registration, right?" If the composition is not good, it is difficult to have the opportunity to join the army. Every military quota must ensure the loyalty of the soldiers. Along the way, Qinghe has seen many problems due to composition problems. Those who failed the conscription requirements were all in tears. Only one of them severed ties with his parents and was able to join the army.

Tieniu smiled and asked without answering: "Is your surname Feng?"

Qinghe immediately said cautiously: "There are several people named Feng in our recruit company. Is there any problem?"

"No problem, no problem." I just felt that the name sounded too similar to Feng Qingxue's, and when 99% of the time they were discussing Lu Jiang and his wife, Qing He's silence seemed a bit out of place.

"It's okay, I thought my surname was a crime." Qinghe felt relieved.

Tieniu laughed, "Our army is not like outside, so it is a great blessing to be in the army."

The storms outside are noisy year after year. The most peaceful place is probably the field troops. No one dares to put their hands here, which ensures the personal safety of many people.

Qinghe hummed lowly and made no comment.

Tieniu likes his calm and cautious spirit. He doesn't talk much, but he knows what he knows. He has excellent physical fitness, flexible mind, and is the best in target shooting. He is suitable to be a sniper. Lu Jiang told him to pay close attention to the recruits this time. There are several seedlings, and Qinghe is one of them.

"Do you value him so much?" Feng Qingxue asked.

Lu Jiang looked up at the blue sky and the erratic white clouds, then looked down at the yellowing turf at his feet. He then looked at his wife's face, as bright as a pearl, and said in a deep voice: "He is a sniper's seedling. I missed it." Pity."

Feng Qingxue nodded, "Since you think it's good, then train hard!"

"You don't care?" Lu Jiang asked.

"What is there to care about? I won't offend anyone unless they offend me. He is an honest soldier and works diligently. If I cut off his path to success, wouldn't I be a big evil person? He has the ability and is quite good. , after struggling, I guess his family will be annoyed by him, so they won’t bother us. "

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