Based on past memories, Feng Qingxue felt that she knew the two pairs of brothers and sisters very well, the first, second, third, and fourth ones who followed the trend. Her husband and wife had been away from home for a long time and did not know the situation of the Caohu Brigade. However, at the beginning of the year, she received a remittance slip and letter from Wang Zhengguo. There are many mentions of the two pairs of brothers and sisters taking advantage of the opportunity to socialize with others to gain benefits.

As the nephew and niece of the army commander's wife, Dabao wants to marry an educated youth from the capital, while Dani is already married to a city dweller.

Feng Teng told Wang Zhengguo, and Wang Zhengguo told his niece. At the same time, he also stated in the letter that he would pay attention to the situation of the two nephews' families. If they dared to bully others, he would definitely intervene to solve the problem.

Is it easy for the niece and nephew-in-law to struggle to this day? You can't let your natal family, who you don't have any contact with, hold you back.

Compared to his two nephews, Wang Zhengguo regards Feng Qingxue as his own daughter. He has also received a lot of filial respect from his two nieces in recent years. Who wouldn't envy her? It seems that Wang Jiao is no longer a kisser.

Feng Qingxue was open-minded and open-minded, and Lu Jiang kept praising her, making her smile like a flower branch trembling.

"Look what you said, if I don't agree, will you exclude him from the selection?"

Lu Jiang immediately said: "That won't work. Public is public and private is private. We can't affect the country's development plan for our own selfishness. However, your generosity and kindness make this matter proceed more calmly."

Make this go more smoothly? Feng Qingxue didn't understand what he meant for a while.

"Okay, this is over!" She gestured, "Let's go out for a walk and learn more. Don't always talk about your work in the army. It's rare for me to take a vacation, so just let me relax." "Moon."

After working hard for a year, she finally got a vacation. Feng Qingxue enjoyed the leisurely vacation very much.

Lu Jiang has not taken a vacation for a long time, but he is in charge of the entire army. Unless there is no job in the army, it will be difficult for him to find an opportunity to take a vacation. After thinking about it, he swallowed some of the words that came to his lips and changed his words abruptly. Said: "After Qiu is busy, it's time for dad and Xibao to come. Are you happy?"

"I'm happy, of course I'm happy. Who doesn't love their children? I really want the family to be reunited and never be separated."

When they were talking about these two lines of conversation, Deputy Army Commander Liu Zhenguo passed by them and said with a smile: "Comrade Lu, Comrade Qingxue, if you think so, why don't you bring the old people and children over to live together?"

Lu Jiang shook his head, "In a few years, even if the elderly are unwilling, they will be taken to their side."

"Why not now?" Liu Zhenguo asked strangely.

Feng Qingxue said with a smile: "Because my father-in-law can't let go of his hometown. Xibao has also been studying in his hometown. His parents and fellow villagers all like him and they can't bear to see him stay away from home every year. His popularity is much better than that of Lu Jiang and I."

Liu Zhenguo was confused, "Anyway, you and the other children are in the army. We are defending our country. Don't we just hope that all the fellow villagers can be reunited as a family and never be separated? Only Xibao is left alone to accompany the elderly in his hometown. It’s not a big deal, I might blame you when I grow up.”

Feng Qingxue looked at Lu Jiang. In fact, she had also thought about this problem.

Lu Jiang said seriously: "This is Xibao's own request. As adults, we should respect every one of his ideas. Moreover, Xibao is very well-behaved and sensible, and will not resent us for this."

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