The most important thing is that Lu Jiang has his own plans in mind.

After separating from Liu Zhenguo, Feng Qingxue frowned with two slender and curved eyebrows, "Xibao was very young when he made the decision. We agreed to his request and let him stay in his hometown to study with a group of old men and old ladies. But when we were growing up, we were not together with our parents and siblings, and we did not go to school normally. Over time, there will be a gap between us."

"Do you think so?" Lu Jiang asked without answering.

Feng Qingxue recalled that Xibao was very close to her every time he came, and there were two or three letters exchanged every month. There was no gap between words, deeds, and words, but she still worried about gains and losses.

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking you."

Lu Jiang held his wife's hand, not caring about the surprised looks of people passing by, and comforted him: "I don't think so, because our Xibao is the best child in the world, bar none."

He actually had a manly exchange with his son in which he asked the question.

Xibao's answer is no, because except for the busy farming season, his time in his hometown is filled with learning and he has no time to think about anything else. He just wants to learn more knowledge. There is so much knowledge, and he only has a glimpse of it, so he can only redouble his efforts. , when you grow up, learn to use it, and you will soon have your own career. When dad gets old, it will be his turn to protect mom.

"Dad, now the responsibility of protecting my mother is given to you. When I grow up, you can retire!" These were Xibao's original words. In his heart, his mother's status was obviously higher than anything else.

After listening to her husband's memories, Feng Qingxue's eyes suddenly turned red, and her eyes sparkled.

"My Xibao is so good, why didn't I listen to you?" A voice of complaint immediately spit out from her pink lips. Feng Qingxue still felt that it was not enough, and even withdrew her hand and patted Lu Jiang's arm hard, "Five Among the children, we once neglected Dundun, and in recent years we have neglected Xibao, allowing him to travel between places at a young age. What a failure we have done as parents."

Lu Jiang grabbed her hand and held it tight.

"No, I don't think we failed. After seeing more, I think we are very successful, because our five children have their own characteristics, are equally cute, and have very good character. You have been busy with work, and you may not have noticed that Some people use sticks to educate their children, and this is especially obvious in the military compound. There is no boy who hasn’t received a few beatings.”

Feng Qingxue frowned, "Is there such a thing?"

Unless Lu Er's bear skin makes people angry, she won't touch a finger on the child.

Educating children can never be done well by hitting them. Sometimes, it is easy for children to become rebellious. Of course, sometimes a spank is also useful to make the child remember.

"We are not allowed to talk about other people's affairs. We just need to take care of our own children."

The most satisfying thing in life is not to be successful, but to have a wife and children. There was a deep smile in Lu Jiang's eyes, and the pride revealed was clearly visible.

After Lu Jiang explained this, Feng Qingxue's gloomy eyebrows lightened slightly, "By the way, you just said that we would live together in a few years?"

"Yes, at most three or four years, and after two years, we will send our three uncles, three aunts, and several children back to our hometown, and then we will bring them back during the Chinese New Year. From now on, our family will not be separated."

Feng Qingxue's heart skipped a beat as she thought of the earthquake in Tang City.

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