Lu Jiang saw his wife's expression, nodded and said, "As you think."

The earthquake occurred in 1976, only three years ago. I still remember the tragic death of hundreds of thousands of people in the history books. The economic losses were as high as 10 billion, which directly affected the development of the local area. Lu Jiang was already making various preparations.

He is a soldier and a soldier of the country. He cannot turn a blind eye and allow tragedies to happen without doing anything.

Feng Qingxue bit her slightly white lips and swallowed, "Yes, we have to send the elderly and children home."

Although the earthquake occurred in Tang City, the earthquake would be clearly felt in the adjacent capital and Wucheng. Not to mention Lu Jiang, even Feng Qingxue did not dare to take the risk. In addition to his own children, Lu Tianjun and Guancheng's sons also They had to be sent home and brought back when everything was over. The next thing the couple had to face was how to save hundreds of thousands of lives.

Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, let alone hundreds of thousands of lives.

Feng Qingxue always thought that her mission in time travel was to ensure Lu Jiang's health and have her own love and marriage. It was not until this moment that she understood the burden that the prophet had placed on her.

If she knew there was such a disaster and did nothing, even she would despise herself.

Lu Jiang cares about his family and country, so he planned a solution for the earthquake three years later so early, and at the same time he thought of arranging for his family.

Lu Jiang patted the back of her hand, "There are still almost three years left, enough for us to plan. Don't worry, don't put too much pressure on yourself. Last year, my transfer to Wucheng was as I wished. It's close and convenient. This year In February, an earthquake occurred in the Sichuan Tibetan area, which has been perfectly resolved. "

"Why haven't I heard you say that?" If she hadn't read the newspaper, Feng Qingxue wouldn't have known that a 7.9-magnitude earthquake had occurred there.

Lu Jiang smiled lowly, "I saw it in a book of national events. It was just one sentence. You were so busy that you probably didn't pay attention."

Feng Qingxue asked him how he solved it. Lu Jiang wanted to sell it off and said, "You will know it in the future, but depending on the region and the architectural style, the methods used may not be suitable for other places."

Feng Qingxue understood that the Tang City earthquake might not necessarily be solved with the same method.

Just when he was about to ask what the method was, he saw Liu Ran trotting over, "There's a letter, a letter from abroad!"

"Is it Xiaoyun's letter?" Feng Qingxue was very happy and pulled Lu Jiang to speed up his return.

Feng Qingyun went abroad as she wished in the spring, to study at a music conservatory in Paris, France, but it was not at public expense. Although Li Jiaoyang was responsible for Feng Qingyun's tuition and living expenses, Feng Qingxue secretly handed her a small box before her sister left. Gold and art are particularly expensive. Exchanging RMB for foreign exchange is too large and attracts attention. It is more convenient to carry some gold with you.

Gold is a hard currency circulating internationally, and the international price of gold is much higher than the purchase price of domestic banks.

Feng Qingxue thought this way, and when she saw the letter, she knew it was not from Feng Qingyun. It was a thick letter, and there were international medical newspapers and periodicals. It was a reply to her submission.

When she sends letters abroad, the postage is calculated by the gram, which is very expensive. She doesn't know how to calculate the postage when sending letters from abroad.

After opening the letter, Feng Qingxue was surprised to find that she was invited by a foreign medical university to participate in a medical exchange meeting, which would be held next year.

. . August is a new beginning, and we will work hard to ensure updates, and 400,000 yuan will be opened.

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