International medical exchange meeting? Can't even think about it.

Feng Qingxue held the invitation letter that was sent with the letter and felt a little flattered.

Although she has always worked hard, studied hard, and worked hard to accumulate experience, she has always believed that she is an ordinary person, a relatively diligent ordinary person. Diligence can make up for her shortcomings, and the stupid bird will fly first.

Lu Jiang stretched out his head and looked at it, but he didn't understand the words on it.

"What did you say that surprised you like this?" Lu Jiang felt that it shouldn't be bad news. If it was bad news, his wife's face must have changed long ago, and you could tell at a glance.

Feng Qingxue read the contents of the invitation letter to Lu Jiang and watched Lu Jiang's reaction with black and white eyes.

"Medical exchange meeting? What a good thing!" Lu Jiang slapped his thigh, "The establishment of diplomatic relations between our country and other countries has initially achieved results. My little girls have the opportunity to study abroad. Why can't you participate in the medical exchange meeting? Go, not only do you have to go, but you also have to get Put on a show of strength, show off your knowledge and grace, and change foreign countries’ impression of our country’s poverty and backwardness.”

Feng Qingxue's lips raised a delicate and beautiful curve, and she couldn't help but say: "It's not easy for Xiaoyun to go abroad. If it weren't for Mr. Smith's help and the Rong family behind it, things wouldn't have gone so smoothly."

Some people are eager to go abroad, while others are afraid of going abroad. In recent years, those with overseas connections have suffered a lot.

Of course, unlike in the past, the country has gradually opened up to the outside world and improved the country's international status.

"Isn't it right for the Rong family to contribute? Xiaoyun is their daughter-in-law. They feel that they owe Jiaoyang too much. Now that Jiaoyang is about to be established and does not need their support, they have no way to compensate them. They can only be nice to their little sister. Make Jiaoyang happy. "Men understand men's psychology best, and the Rong family is smart enough.

Therefore, Feng Qingxue was a little more satisfied with the Rong family and Li Jiaoyang, "It's pretty good."

The younger sister has her own life, love, and marriage. She, the older sister, has finally fulfilled her responsibilities to her younger sister, and the future will be entirely managed by her younger sister.

"Yes, it's good. Everyone is doing well." Lu Jiang also cares about the children at home.

Feng Qingxue changed the topic and asked, "Do you really want me to participate in this medical exchange meeting?"

"Of course. Seize the opportunity and go out and gain experience. We can't be like frogs in a well, with only one world in our eyes. Didn't you say that your medical skills have stagnated? In addition to the old professor at the hospital saying that you lack experience, there is also Western medicine in our country. The reason why the level is indeed lagging behind that of foreign countries." Lu Jiang said, "Generally speaking, medical exchange conferences have some content reports on clinical trial results and scientific research results, and we also have a development goal in Western medicine."

After hearing this, Feng Qingxue sighed, "I can't let go of the child."

Lu Jiang smiled at her and said, "The children are grown up and they have someone to take care of them. Why can't they let go? Moreover, the medical exchange meeting is not about studying abroad for further study. You will go there for three to five years."

He supports his wife's studies and fully supports her.

Qingxue had never noticed how bright her eyes would be when given the opportunity to study, like stars in the night sky.

"Medical exchange meetings are actually academic seminars, usually lasting two to three days." The invitation letter stated the date and duration of the meeting. "I just feel that it may not be possible. How can it be so easy to go abroad? If it really If you want to go, you have to apply, right? If the application is not approved, everything will be in vain.”

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