Lu Jiang directly asked his wife to handle it for him. He still had this ability.

"Ajiang, thank you." Feng Qingxue's eyes sparkled.

Lu Jiang immediately saw the two twinkling stars and couldn't help but smile.

As expected, he did not break his promise. After Feng Qingxue completed the application report and submitted it, he received the approval within a few days. Because Feng Qingxue received the invitation alone, not a medical institution, she had to bear all the expenses herself.

They did not make any publicity, and this incident did not cause any waves in the army.

After collecting the invitation letter, Feng Qingxue had no time to enjoy the leisurely vacation. Instead, she organized the information she had accumulated and actively prepared to participate in the exchange meeting. Regardless of whether she would have the opportunity to speak on stage, she focused on the theme of this exchange meeting. You must come up with useful content instead of saying nothing in front of people.

It was not an international-level medical seminar, but an exchange meeting on diabetes prevention, treatment, fox care, etc. hosted by the university itself. The reason why Feng Qingxue was invited was probably because she had published a paper on diabetes. .

The highest-level seminars in the field of diabetes research in the world are generally hosted by the Diabetes Association.

Fu Bao peered at his mother who was writing at the desk. Her hair was spread behind her shoulders, her face was smooth and white, her posture was upright, and her serious look was very good-looking. She scratched her chin, which was the same as her mother's, and was about to exit when Feng Qing Xue noticed it, raised her head and stopped writing, "What's the matter? Fu Bao?"

Fu Bao came in and said, "Mom, did I bother you?"

"No, mom is on vacation and doesn't have to work." Feng Qingxue denied that she was busy, "If you have anything, you can tell mom."

Fu Bao groaned and took out an old red sweater from behind. Feng Qingxue recognized it as Fu Bao's gift to Liu Baozhu, "Didn't you give it to Liu Baozhu? Why did you take it back?"

"Baozhu has grown a lot, and this sweater is a little too small for her. The cuffs are a little short and tight, but her grandma doesn't want to buy a new sweater or knit a sweater for her, but wants to take apart this sweater to knit a sweater for Liu Yanyan." This sweater is made of wool, and Fu Bao likes it very much. If Bao Zhu had not had anything to wear, she would have asked her mother to take it apart and add some thread and knit one for herself.

The quality of domestic products is very good. The sweater has been worn for two or three years and the color is still very bright. There is only slight wear on the elbows and cuffs.

Feng Qingxue took the sweater in her hand, "Do you want mom to take it apart, add some threads, and then knit it out for the orb?"

"Mom is so smart!" Fu Bao praised highly, his eyes shining brightly.

She has a delicate face and big eyes, just like a little princess. The more Feng Qingxue looks at her, the more she likes her. What makes her most gratified is that her daughter is kind, cute and considerate, without any willful or unruly habits.

"Mom can help you, but you need to agree to one condition." Don't develop your daughter's temperament of getting something for nothing.

Fu Bao immediately agreed, "Wanting a ball of yarn? I'm very good at it!"

Feng Qingxue smiled and said, "Mom will help you unwrap and knit Baozhu's sweater, add new threads, and wash and dry the removed wool. Isn't it your duty to help mom wrap the yarn balls?"

Fu Bao touched his pigtails and asked, "What are the conditions?"

Feng Qingxue thought for a while, but before she could figure out her conditions, Lu Jiang walked in.

"What are you two talking about? There are no conditions."

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