Fu Bao repays her by bringing her tea and water, and even pulls Baozhu along with her.

Baozhu has always been close to the Lu family. Although the child is young, she is very sensitive. She knows who is really good to her and who is not good to her. She often takes care of the triplets with Fu Bao.

Ye Yan is like this, and so is Baozhu.

"Baozhu is so close to your family, and there is no smiling face in front of me." Wang Guizhen's words had a sour taste in them.

At this moment, Feng Qingxue was chatting with some military wives in the courtyard while knitting sweaters, picking up shoe soles, and mending clothes. Ye Yan, Fubao and Baozhu took the triplets and a group of children of all sizes to play tops, roll hoops, Playing shuttlecock, in a daze, Feng Qingxue felt as if she had returned to her hometown. When the weather was nice in the cold winter, everyone gathered together to bask in the sun.

Talking and laughing, being lively and lively, completely unaffected by the wind and rain outside

The peaceful feeling of years was interrupted by Wang Guizhen. Feng Qingxue was a little unhappy, but she smiled on her face, "You are her grandmother, you are good to her, how can she be bad to you?"

Wang Guizhen couldn't help but choked.

She knew how she treated Baozhu, and the family members of the army who lived in the compound also knew it.

After smiling, Wang Guizhen said: "There are many children in the family, and it makes my forehead hurt every day. It is difficult to cover everything. Their generation is happy enough. They were born to live in New China, with clothes to wear and food to eat. Unlike We were living in troubled times at that time, and we were terrified every day. We were afraid that the Japanese would attack us and that we would die. "

As soon as this topic came up, everyone started to remember the bitterness and sweetness, and lamented endlessly.

Feng Qingxue shuttled back and forth with the knitting needle in her hand, silently listening to a group of military family members older than herself mentioning past events. Because she had been too busy this year, she inevitably neglected the interpersonal interactions in the family compound, so she took this opportunity to get to know each other. Got a lot of things.

Among the family members accompanying the army, Feng Qingxue was more familiar with Peng Aihong and Ding Min, whom she met after their children had a fight with Ye Yan.

As time goes by and we come and go more often, we become more familiar with each other than others.

"Have you heard?" Peng Aihong said while picking up the soles of her shoes, "Chief of Staff Wang's eldest daughter is coming. This morning, I heard from my old Zhou that Chief of Staff Wang has sent someone to pick her up."

These words were like a bomb being dropped, and everyone was talking one after another.

"Wang Xiuhua is coming? Didn't Chief of Staff Wang say two years ago that she would not be allowed to come for the rest of her life?"

"Not coming? Can she come? How can her stepmother not be able to breathe without making her very upset?"

"That's right. There will definitely be something good to watch when the time comes."

"Speaking of which, it's not easy for Xiuhua and her mother-in-law. It's Chief of Staff Wang who is not kind. He doesn't learn from good things and only learns from bad things. I'm sorry for Xiuhua and his wife. They can't hold their heads high in front of Xiuhua for the rest of their lives."

Feng Qingxue vaguely guessed that it was another drama about abandoning his wife. Wang Xiuhua should be the child of Chief of Staff Wang's ex-wife.

As expected, she asked Peng Aihong, and Peng Aihong answered her immediately.

Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, many people who marched and fought changed their wives. Some of them were unwilling to admit feudal arranged marriages and had the courage to pursue new ideas, so they divorced and remarried. Like Qi Gang and others before, some of them could not keep in touch with their original wives. If you haven't heard from your family for three years, you can remarry and have children under the arrangement of the army. Chief of Staff Wang falls into the latter category.

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