Chief of Staff Wang joined the army after getting married. He was unable to contact his family for several years. Under the arrangement of the army, he married Xie Hongmei, a young nurse who took good care of him at the time. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he returned to his hometown in fine clothes. His first wife, Mrs. Li, had a daughter named Wang Xiuhua who was already ten years old.

In his hometown, his first wife was filial to his parents and raised his daughter, and he had a new love around him who could give him children.

Moreover, compared to Li, a peasant woman with rough hands and a rough appearance, Xie Hongmei, a new-era woman, is more literate and good-looking.

Chief of Staff Wang decisively chose the latter and divorced his first wife.

Because Xie Hongmei gave birth to a son for Chief of Staff Wang, the parents of the Wang family, who had been respected by their daughter-in-law for ten years, immediately tilted their hearts towards Xie Hongmei and their two eldest grandsons. They were also proud that their new daughter-in-law had gone to school to learn medical skills, so not only did they not persuade Chief of Staff Wang to miss their old days, Instead, he ordered Mr. Li and his son to get together and stay away from each other, and asked his father and fellow villagers to act as lobbyists. Finally, he shamelessly allowed Ms. Li to get divorced without leaving home.

It was also a good idea of ​​the couple not to leave home after getting divorced. They did not want to disturb their son's new life, and they were reluctant to handle the new daughter-in-law who had given birth to a boy for Lao Wang's family. Some people also left home for the reason of being low-income, and they were afraid of the outside world, so the Li family It's different if you stay at home. Li has been working hard and without complaint since she came in. She can continue to wash, cook, and care for them until they die. It's like killing two birds with one stone.

Mrs. Li was so humiliated that she couldn't think about it and hanged herself with a hemp rope in the Wang family hall.

"It is said that at that time, both eyes protruded and her tongue stuck out so long that she almost scared Xie Hongmei to death when she went home with Chief of Staff Wang to visit the elderly!" Peng Aihong lamented, "Wang Xiuhua is a fiery person, so he touched her directly. The knife came out and chopped Xie Hongmei, and now there are deep scars on her face, so you haven't seen Xie Hongmei for a year since she came, she doesn't like to go out. "

Feng Qingxue felt a hint of appreciation in her heart, "Well done, this is what you should do!"

However, on the surface she was very surprised and said: "So powerful? Chief of Staff Wang also allowed Wang Xiuhua to come over?"

"It's not allowed. Wang Xiuhua has been following Chief of Staff Wang since her mother passed away. She will follow Chief of Staff Wang wherever he goes. If she doesn't let her, she will directly threaten to fight them until death. The worst is to kill someone to pay for it. So Chief of Staff Wang She and Xie Hongmei were both frightened. They also had two sons. Because of their violent temper, Xiuhua was not married now in her thirties. No, I heard that she was dating someone and was planning to get married, so she took her son-in-law with her. Come to see Chief of Staff Wang, it seems that the son-in-law’s rank is not low.”

"It's not a marriage with a reserve fund. It seems like I've already been married and just went through the motions." Ding Min corrected Peng Aihong, "If I guessed correctly, Wang Xiuhua must have come to ask her father for a dowry."

Feng Qingxue didn't take it to heart at first, she wasn't that nosy.

Unexpectedly, in the evening, Wan Xinguo came to visit with his wife. His wife's name happened to be Wang Xiuhua.

Ever since Chen Chen cheated on his wife, Wan Xinguo has been unable to get out of the shadow of that time. The army later introduced him to several partners but failed. He didn't hear any news about his marriage until he was discharged from the army. He never expected that after he was discharged from the army, he would find her. One's own good match.

"Sister-in-law, my wife Xiuhua's surname is Wang." Wan Xinguo introduced her with a smile on her face.

Although his temples are gray and there are wrinkles on his face, as well as the weather and frost left by years of being stationed at the border, he is in high spirits, and it is obvious that he likes his wife.

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