Wang Xiuhua is a typical strong northern woman, tall, with a big frame, honey-colored skin, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and full of heroic spirit.

Ugly, not ugly, not beautiful either. He has an ordinary appearance, which can be called upright. He is about thirty-four or five years old, with a weathered look on his brows and corners of his eyes.

However, Wang Xiuhua's temperament was very forthright, and she greeted Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue gracefully.

Feng Qingxue was stunned and quickly entertained them warmly.

They never expected that one of the protagonists of the topic of discussion during the day would actually be an old comrade of the couple.

After some pleasantries, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue learned that Wan Xinguo and Wang Xiuhua had met after Wan Xinguo transferred to another place, and it was Wan Xinguo who helped her fight off some gangsters who were looking for trouble. We became familiar with each other from time to time on the same street. They were both very young. One was divorced and the other was unmarried. After being matched by someone, they became revolutionary comrades.

Wang Xiuhua distributed the gifts she brought, such as cans of candies and cakes, to several children, and said with a smile: "I was the one chasing him. He didn't plan to get married at first, and planned to die alone."

Feng Qingxue was happy. Although it was the first time they met, she liked Wang Xiuhua's character.

There is actually no difference between a man chasing a woman and a woman chasing a man. As long as they don't destroy other people's families, they will eventually be happy.

"Lao Wan didn't want to, so what did you do next?" Feng Qingxue was very curious.

Wang Xiuhua felt that Feng Qingxue was not like some people who were afraid of avoiding her. She was very happy and her attitude was very affectionate. She smiled and said: "Isn't there a saying that a man chases a woman across mountains, and a woman chases a man through a veil? Let's break this Isn't it okay to wear a veil? Later I also found out about his previous marriage, and I felt that his ex-wife was blind to gold and jade. I told him that it was not his fault, so why should he punish himself by living alone? The wrong person does not repent, but the innocent person blames himself. There is no such truth in the world. "

Feng Qingxue nodded, "You are right, we have told Lao Wan before, but he just can't think about it."

"Fortunately, I can't think about it." Wang Xiuhua said quickly.

Feng Qingxue was stunned, then burst into laughter, "No, if I had thought about it at that time, how would I have had the chance to meet you?"

Wang Xiuhua also meant the same thing, and Wan Xinguo smiled helplessly.

Seeing the fondness for Wang Xiuhua in Wan Xinguo's eyes, Lu Jiang was very pleased and patted his shoulder, "We can rest assured seeing you like this and we will make up for your wedding gifts later."

Wan Xinguo waved his hand hurriedly, "It's not easy for you to raise a group of children. What does it cost?"

Wang Xiuhua also said no.

"How can a little thought be said to be a waste of money? We have given gifts to others when they get married, how can we not give them to you? Wait." Feng Qingxue turned around and entered the bedroom. When she came out, she had an old cloth bag with blue floral background in her hand. , stuffed into Wang Xiuhua's hand, "Lu Jiang and I are in the army. We don't have to worry about food and clothing. The fabrics we bought with overseas remittance coupons were saved."

They have children, but materials of this color are not suitable for making clothes for children. As for adults, they can just sew and mend old clothes. Wearing too new clothes will easily make people jealous.

Wang Xiuhua was at a loss as she held the baggage and couldn't help but look at Wan Xinguo.

Wan Xinguo knew Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue's generous character very well, so he accepted them as soon as his mind changed.

"Thank you, sister-in-law." Wang Xiuhua was also very straightforward and not coy at all.

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