Only when a man and a woman fall in love do they get married.

Having a purpose in mind is not love, and the family formed will not last long.

Not only the Lu family thinks so, but Zhou Zhou also thinks so. She married Guan Yu because she liked Guan Yu. Guan Yu made her feel at ease and gave him a sense of security that even the living environment of the Wanglou Brigade could not give him. Therefore, A simple wedding without three turns and thirty-six legs still brought her 100% satisfaction and happiness, and her already beautiful face seemed to be covered with a layer of radiance.

From the moment Zhou Zhou agreed to get married to the moment they got married, Guan Yu almost laughed out loud.

It turns out that having a wife feels so good.

We sleep together, wake up together, do housework together, wash and cook together, and feel that the wind around us carries the fragrance of honey.

"Tianzhi, Xibao below is still young. It will take at least ten years for him to get married, not to mention Fubao and the triplets. So among the four of us, you are the only one who is single. Someone else will introduce you to a wife. When the time comes, don't be so picky and make a decision quickly, so that grandpa and uncle and aunt can rest assured," Guan Yu said to Lu Tianzhi when the three of them had dinner together.

Lu Tianzhi looked at his proud face and rolled his eyes, "So you married Zhou Zhou because you are not picky!"

His voice was very long, as long as a thread and continuous.

Guan Yu felt pain in his foot and cried out, "Zhouzhou, why are you stepping on me?"

"Am I your picky candidate? Is our marriage the result of you not being picky?" Zhou Zhouhe said deliberately fiercely, looking at him sideways with an unhappy look on his face.

However, she looks soft and delicate, and has a soft voice, but she is not fierce at all.

Guan Yu reacted immediately and waved his hand quickly, "No, no, I'm very selective. If I hadn't been selective, I wouldn't have met you."

Zhou Zhou snorted, he answered quickly.

Guan Yu glared at Lu Tianzhi hatefully, "Okay, Lu Tianzhi, you are harming me!"

Lu Tianzhi held his rice bowl and ate pumpkin rice, and the old god said in a genuine voice: "Who told you to mind your own business? Each of you met your sweetheart, and you fell in love with each other. There was no family to stop you, and no outsiders to destroy it, so you lived like your uncle and aunt. It’s just as happy and sweet, why should I not be picky? Don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do to you, brother.”

"Aren't you the only bachelor?" Guan Yu muttered, "We have always been inseparable. Now that I have Zhou Zhou and have started a new life, I feel uncomfortable seeing you alone!"

"That's not a casual thing!" Influenced by his family, Lu Tianzhi had his own persistence in his heart.

Zhou Zhou interrupted: "Brother Tianzhi, don't listen to Ayu's nonsense. Your persistence is right. One day you will meet a lesbian with whom you are willing to stay together."

A smile appeared on Lu Tianzhi's face. He looked very similar to Guan Yu, but gave people a completely different feeling.

Although he works in a scrapyard, Lu Tianzhi has a more scholarly atmosphere and is polite. Lu Tianzhi, who is soaking in books in the library, is carefree and has a straightforward and unrestrained nature.

They all lived in the Lu family, but Lu Tianzhi and Guan Yu went to work in the morning and came back at night, so Zhou Zhou was left alone during the day.

It's cold, but there is a lot of work in the brigade.

The higher-ups have issued a message that there is no leisure time in winter, so all the strong laborers are sent to dig rivers and canals. There are also some female educated youths and lesbians with higher education levels who believe that women can hold up half the sky. They mainly ask to follow the labor, dig ditches in the water, and carry mud ashore. When building embankments, he regarded himself as a man. However, Zhou Zhou was not among them. He followed some old, weak, women and children to spread fertilizer into the fields.

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