Yes, it is chemical fertilizer, not manure.

The urea imported from Japan is as big as rabbit droppings. It is said that spreading it on crop fields can increase yields.

It was a new thing, and it was a foreign thing. Even if the state publicized it, other brigades would not dare to use it. After Wang Zhengguo consulted Lu Jiang, he immediately mobilized everyone to buy fertilizer. He brought several tractors back, and all the money in the account was spent. Eight.

Unfortunately, it was a little late when I bought it, as the wheat had already been sown.

But it doesn't matter. Spreading chemical fertilizer on the ground now is still effective. It's the same as manure, but you can't spread it too much.

The purchased chemical fertilizers were not enough to spread all over the fields, so Wang Zhengguo selected some areas and spread the fertilizers, while others were still covered with manure. Then, he would know whether the fertilizers were useful by looking at the yields.

Zhou Zhou carried a bamboo basket and sprinkled handfuls of urea into the ground evenly.

The urea burns my hands a bit, but it's bearable.

"It's cloudy, and what's coming is either rain or snow. Everyone, please work harder. After spreading the fertilizer, it rains and snows, so that the fertilizer can seep into the ground and increase the yield of our crops!" Wang Zhengguo, getting stronger and stronger, shouted loudly along the edge of the field.

When the people working in the fields heard this, they immediately speeded up their hands and feet.

God is very kind to me. The fertilizer is almost finished and the drizzle starts to fall.

The rain in winter is very cold, and it feels like being in an ice cave if you get soaked through.

Wang Zhengguo had always been kind to the female comrades in the brigade. He was worried that it would be bad for their health if they caught the cold, so he never arranged for the female comrades to dig rivers. He shouted: "There is only a little bit left. Everyone, hurry up, and then go home and drink the ginger tea. Don't leave." It’s freezing!”

A few minutes later, the fertilizer was spread and everyone ran straight home.

"Zhou Zhou, come to my house and make a pot of ginger tea!" Miao Fengqin greeted Zhou Zhou.

"Thank you, aunt!"

Zhou Zhou was not polite to her. He followed Miao Fengqin to their house with a bamboo hat on his head, and helped to make a fire to make ginger soup. When the ginger soup was finished, he also dried his slightly wet coat.

Wang Zhengguo came in from outside, picked up the ginger soup and drank it in one gulp, dispelling the chill from his body from the inside out.

"Zhou Zhou, everyone is asking me for urea bags. Do you want to take some?"

Zhou Zhou looked a little puzzled, "Are you asking for it to hold things? Yes, nylon bags are stronger. When I send things to my uncle and aunt later, I can use urea bags to put them in. It is much more convenient than sacks and better than cloth bags." solid."

Urea bags are also collective property. They are priced at 50 cents and anyone who wants them will pay them, with a symbolic deduction of some work points.

When Zhou Zhou returned home, she washed the fertilizer bag clean inside and out, and put it on the clothesline in the side room. She thought everyone wanted a bag ready to hold things like hers, but she didn't know that urea pants would become popular in a few days.

One pocket was transformed into a pair of trousers, with the word "Urea" clearly printed on the buttocks, the word "Japan" on the front, and a percentage sandwiched between the crotch.

Guan Yu took out the things sent by Feng Qingxue and said with a smile: "Although many people in our brigade have a pair of urea pants, they are still worn by cadres outside, and ordinary people can't get urea pockets to make pants."

In fact, the root cause of the formation of urea pants is that everyone is short of fabric to make clothes.

The situation in their Wanglou brigade is slightly better. Because they have Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue, the Lu family has never worried about food and clothing problems. However, many people outside do not have decent clothes to wear. Some people only have one set that they can wear when going out to meet people. Clothes were worn by whoever went out, and they took turns, which showed the scarcity of fabrics, so someone thought of urea pockets.

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