Guan Yu and Zhou Zhou got married without even saying hello, and Feng Qingxue had given them everything they wanted.

Scarlet woolen cloth, other fabrics, new bedding, new pillow covers, towels, enamel basins and other daily necessities, as well as some local food that can be mailed, and a Shanghai brand watch for Zhou Zhou, which I plan to give to Guan when he talks about a partner in Junguan City, Lutian. Yu's jewelry box has not been sent yet because the mail needs to be inspected. He plans to ask Father Lu to deliver it to them later. There is no rush anyway.

Reaching out to touch the soft woolen cloth and a pile of fabric, Zhou Zhou felt truly lucky when he thought of the urea pants everyone wore.

They are really lucky that they don't have to worry about food and clothing.

Although the rations they were given were enough to keep them from starving to death, they were protected by Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue. Father Lu and Xibao would leave for a few months every year. The saved rations and the old grain secretly hidden in the cellar allowed them to relax. Eat on your belly.

Of course, they don’t dare to let go without knowing what situation they will face in the future.

Guan Yu saw Lu Tianzhi opening the letter and put his head close to it, "What did aunt say? Let me see, let me see."

"Why are you anxious? You married Zhou Zhou without telling your aunt, and she was very angry!" Lu Tianzhi said this deliberately while raising his hand to prevent Guan Yu from seeing it.

Both brothers got married after meeting their uncle and aunt with their girlfriends, except him.

Guan Yu said without hesitation: "Auntie loves me so she won't be angry! Show me quickly!"

The status of husband and wife is very important, and he is afraid that if he is late, someone else will get ahead of him.

Father Lu didn't stop him, so Auntie wouldn't be angry.

Standing on tiptoes, he snatched the letter into his hand. Guan Yu read it from beginning to end. As expected, he didn't see his aunt's dissatisfaction, which meant that his behavior of not saying hello to the wedding was a bit excessive and very unbehaved. Later, he told him to take Zhou Zhou with him. When you go to the capital, you can't marry someone else's daughter without telling them.

Zhou Zhou has a bad relationship with her parents and has never been in contact. She has not received any news from her family for many years. However, there is still a grandmother who loves her still alive. Hong Zhanjun is also very good to her. They should not hide their marriage from the two of them. Old people.

Therefore, Guan Yu quickly took a month's wedding leave and took Zhou Zhou to the capital first and then to Wucheng.

The educated youths who come to Wanglou Brigade have family leave every year. In this regard, Wang Zhengguo is very considerate and does not withhold letters, money, food stamps and things sent to them from the educated youths' families like other brigade cadres, let alone willfully The cadres who abused female educated youths were accustomed to arranging family leave in winter so as not to delay farm work in the fields.

Hearing that Guan Yu and Zhou Zhou were returning to the capital to visit relatives, Zheng Huihui rushed over anxiously.

"Zhou Zhou, help me bring something to my aunt!" She is now teaching. Her job is easy and her work points are not low. She has no worries about food and clothing, but she has also saved some money and things.

She is a person who repays kindness and revenge. Her aunt sends her something every year, so she naturally repays her aunt.

As for parents and sister Zheng Yuanyuan? You can go wherever you need to go. Zheng Yuanyuan can sign up her and her brother's names to participate in the movement to the mountains and countryside in order to keep herself in the city. Her parents condone her, and even condone her behavior of not allowing her aunt to send her brown sugar. Zheng Huihui has no feelings for them.

This is very similar to Zhou Zhou, who only thinks about Hong Zhanjun and her grandma.

Probably, birds of a feather really flock together.

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