Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1646 Brothers and sisters-in-law 6

Under the influence of the Lu family, no one in Guancheng or Guanyu cared about having a boy or a girl, although Guancheng took the revitalization of the Guan family as its own responsibility.

Sometimes, there are so many boys that girls feel rare.

Zhong Wenxiu used serving chopsticks to bring food to Zhou Zhou and said with a smile: "It's not up to anyone to decide whether to have a boy or a girl. Should I just stuff him back after giving birth to a son? If I could really do whatever I wanted, there wouldn't be so many things in the world. However, Fu Bao must not agree. She has always wanted her to be the only girl in the family. "Zhou Zhou, please eat more and see how thin you are. Let Ayu give you more supplements when you go back."

Guan Yu's wages were low, and Zhou Zhou was working as a farmer in her hometown. She reminded herself to ask Guan Cheng to give them some money before they left.

The Lu family is united and very harmonious, and Zhong Wenxiu has become more open-minded. Guancheng only has a younger brother. If they don't support him as brother-in-law, who will? You can't always rely on Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue. They have done enough for their family.

Zhong Wenxiu was sincerely grateful to Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue. Even their biological parents would find it difficult to do this.

Zhou Zhou said sheepishly: "Thank you, sister-in-law. You're welcome, I'm eating it myself! Speaking of Fu Bao, my uncle and aunt are all in Wucheng. Ayu and I plan to go there before returning home from the capital."

"It should be!" Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue are their reborn parents. Guan Cheng very much agrees with his brother's plan, "The Spring Festival is coming so fast. You can bring a hundred yuan and some things to our uncle and aunt for us. Zhuangzhuang I have bad lungs and often cough. I asked someone to get a basket of Beijing white pears. You must bring them all with you."

Guan Yu agreed immediately.

Although the five children grew up peacefully and went to school, Zhuangzhuang was still the most frail and sickly one. She was allergic to many pollens. She would feel itchy when reeds floated on her body, including pollen from rice, corn, and wheat. You can't touch it, and you can't eat shrimps or other things. You will always have colds, fevers and coughs in spring and autumn, and you will occasionally have asthma in winter.

Even with Feng Qingxue's careful care, these little problems always come to Zhuangzhuang persistently. When Guan Yu and Zhou Zhou arrived at the Lu family, the little guy could only watch Dundun and Erxiong pile up in the yard through the window because of his illness. snowman.

Wucheng is colder than the capital! Guan Yu rubbed his gloved hands.

Feng Qingxue was at home on leave because her son was sick, so she greeted him: "Don't stand outside, come into the house as soon as you come, what are you doing with so many things? It's not like you don't know that everything is lacking here."

Guan Yu first handed over a basket of Jingbai pears, "Big Gothic asked us to bring them."

"Oh, this thing is good. Rock sugar and snow pear water can moisten the lungs and relieve coughs. I haven't been able to buy fresh ones, only frozen pears. I didn't expect your brother to get them for us." There are pears in the space, which are Dangshan pears, purchased from the country of origin. , it’s a pity that there is no name to come up with.

The space consumes a lot of food, seasonings, oil and salt, but there are still a lot of fruits.

Feng Qingxue opened the small quilt covering the basket and took a look at it. She was happy and took four of them and handed them to Xibao, "Zhuzhu is infected by Zhuangzhuang and has a bad cough. You can give them to their house." Send it over and let Zhuzhu’s mother stew it for Zhuzhu to drink.”

Zhuzhu is a child in kindergarten. She sits in front of Zhuangzhuang. She is a sweet girl with an apple face and often brings food to Zhuangzhuang.

Xibao responded, put four Jingbai pears into a small bamboo basket and sent them over.

. . Go to bed early and get up early, adjust your work and rest time, and take time to exercise. I used to exercise for two hours a day to ensure updates, but now I spend all my exercise time typing. Instead, my health is getting worse. It seems that I was rushing to finish the 150,000-year manuscript in June. Since I have been staying at home for the entire month, o(╥﹏╥)o needs to adjust quickly.

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