Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1647 Preparing to build a house 1

Now that Guan Yu and Zhou Zhou are here, Feng Qingxue doesn't need Father Lu to carry back the box of jewelry he prepared. Instead, he calls Zhou Zhou to his bedroom and hands it over to her.


Before Zhou Zhou politely refused, Feng Qingxue said: "Everyone has one, and you should take it too. Some of these are the few things that the Lu family has survived, and some of them were bought from the black market. They are not in large quantities, just a The meaning of betrothal gift.”

Zhou Zhou was holding the jewelry box, a little at a loss.

Although she heard Guan Yu talk about this, she had no expectations in return.

“Actually, we don’t pay attention to old customs anymore.”

Feng Qingxue pursed her lips with a faint smile, and her clean and clear eyes showed a hint of motherly love. "It's other people's business whether they care about it or not. Our family just cares about it."

Whether a man values ​​a woman or not is often reflected in material aspects.

Everything must have a beginning and an end. After more than ten years of raising brothers Lu Tianjun and Guancheng, they have taken ninety-nine steps, and this step is not missing.

During the meal, Guan Yu mentioned the matter of taking Grandma Zhou away to take care of her in her later years, "People say that when a tree branches, children will divide their families. My eldest brother and I got married one after another, and my eldest brother gave birth to a nephew. Zhou Zhou and I will also have children in the future. My own children, when Tianzhi Xibao and the others grow up and start a family one by one, the population of our family will become larger and larger, and one old house can no longer accommodate all of us. We two brothers discussed it and wanted to find my uncle when we go back. Grandpa allocated a piece of land for us to build a house.”

Although they regard themselves as the Lu family, their surname is Guan after all, and they cannot live in the Lu family forever. Since Zhou Zhou takes care of Grandma Zhou for the rest of her life, he is not qualified to take over the Lu family and live in it until the end of his life. Therefore, it is imperative to build a house. Things.

He thought of this when he was preparing to take Grandma Zhou back to his hometown. He couldn't wait for the Lu family to speak.

Feng Qingxue was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Building a house? It's a good thing. It means that each of you has a family and started a business. In previous years, if there were some conditions, you would build a house for your son and marry him, and gradually form a small family. Take care of it. Grandma Zhou Zhou’s old age is also your filial piety, as it should be, Zhou Zhou, don’t think too much about it.”

There are only a few old houses. Because they are away from home for a long time, the few people at home live very easily. What about the future? Guancheng, who is extremely smart and worldly, thinks very carefully.

This matter must have been brought up by Guan Cheng, Lu Tianzhi may not have thought of it.

Building a house must indeed be included in the regulations. Their family will always go back for vacation, as will Lu Tianjun's family of three and Guancheng's family of three. Xibao Fubao and the triplets are getting older and older. They can't squeeze into the same bed. Guan Yu and his wife will have children, and Lu Tianzhi will also marry and have children. Before the family planning, their married brothers will not end up with just one child, including Cheng Baoguo and Feng Qing. Yun, Li Jiaoyang and their children, thirty people are all undercounted.

Father Lu hesitated for a moment, "Slowly, the children have settled outside, and their registered permanent residence is not in their hometown. I estimate that I can go home and live for ten days and a half during the holidays. I will build a few new houses and the new yard will be empty." Unfortunately, it’s also easy to be criticized.”

He thought about this problem, that is, most of the children are away from home, and they may not be able to go home all year round.

Not to mention anything else, Lu Jiang and his wife have not been back to their hometown for several years, all because of correspondence.

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