Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1648 Preparing to build a house 2

"Acheng and Ayu each married and had children, so they should have their own property and private space. We didn't consider this before. I think it's better to build a house for the two brothers, and we also renovate the old house. There is no need to build several new houses for Tianjun and Xibao."

After Lu Jiang finished speaking, he thought carefully for a moment and looked at his father's wrinkled face. "The previous homestead was about 200 square meters. Now I think it's a little small. Ask my uncle to expand the area. Build five main rooms and three east and west side rooms. The space will be larger. When the children grow up, it won't be a problem for relatives and friends to come. Put a few bunk beds in one room, and the boys can live in one room."

Feng Qingxue nodded, "This is good. When we reunite, the whole family has a place to rest. After all, our family will settle down one by one in other places in the future. It doesn't make sense for people not to be in their hometown to occupy so much homestead. Two new houses for two surnames are enough."

Zhou Zhou blinked, a little confused.

Will he and his wife and Lu Tianzhi not be at home in the future? How come they all settled in other places?

Feng Qingxue saw through Zhou Zhou's thoughts and smiled: "Nothing is absolute in the world. The changes in national policies are far beyond our imagination. Who can guarantee that Tianzhi and Ayu will work in their hometown in the future? As we grow older, our ambitions will also change. You are still young. It is always good for young people to read more books. Knowledge can never be taken away by others."

"I have been reviewing my lessons and learned a lot of new knowledge from Guan Yu." Although Zhou Zhou was not recommended to go to college, she always remembered Feng Qingxue's reminder to herself, and learning did open her eyes.

Feng Qingxue nodded approvingly, turned her head and said to Lu's father: "Dad, since we have renovated the old house and built a new house, why not build a brick and tile house at once? I believe no one will gossip if we build a brick and tile house now."

When the status reaches a certain height, what is gained is admiration, not jealousy.

Moreover, the Lu family is very popular now.

Father Lu thought for a moment and said, "That's right. It's easy and time-saving to do it all at once. When you got married, we planned to build a brick house but failed. Now we can finally build it, but we have to go through Comrade Jiang's connections and buy a few truckloads of high-quality bricks and tiles."

"I think a bungalow is good. Let's build a bungalow!" Guan Yu interrupted.

Father Lu, Lu Jiang, and Feng Qingxue all exclaimed at the same time and asked him why he wanted to build a bungalow.

Guan Yu said confidently: "The roof of the bungalow can be used to dry things. If there is grain, it can be dried. If there is no grain, it can be dried vegetables, firewood, quilts, clothes, etc. It is clean and easy to clean. On the other hand, the grain dried on the mud ground will always be mixed with some dirt and clods when it is collected. The dried sweet potatoes covered with mud are not tasty. Moreover, the tile house is on a slope, and it is not convenient to sweep the snow. It will slide down with a swishing sound."

Bungalows are so good, like the bungalows where uncle and aunt live now, with a layer of cement inside and outside. Except for the dust and dirt brought by people's feet and wind, the roof is a clean piece of cement.

Feng Qingxue thought seriously for a while, clapped his hands and smiled, "This is a good idea!"

Lu Jiang also thought about the future land contracting system, "Not bad, not bad, we build bungalows, but it's just a matter of spending a little more money. When the foundation is deeper and stronger, the house area is larger. If conditions permit in the future, we can add a layer on top of the bungalow, and it will be a building, and there is no need to worry about not having enough rooms for a family."

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