Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1649 Preparing to build a house 3

"It makes sense. Let Lao Jin design a house for our family. He has a side job in architectural design. He was also well-known in the industry before, but his other titles are too famous. Many people don't know that he still knows this industry." Father Lu said enthusiastically, "Let him design two houses for us that can be easily expanded later without affecting safety."

Guan Yu said: "My uncle's house can be built bigger. Our house doesn't need to be built. It can be built smaller. There are three main rooms and two east and west rooms. It's too big to attract people's attention, but it has to be built together."

"Then you can only choose a piece of land in front of our house. There is no open space in the west behind." Father Lu said.

To the west is the cowshed, behind is the house where the elderly live, to the east is the river, and there is a path between the Lu family and the river.

"No problem, just stay together. It doesn't matter if the houses are far apart."

Xibao swallowed the food in his mouth and joined in the fun, "Grandpa, a large room built according to the pattern can be turned into two small rooms by adding a wall inside. I see that many houses in the army are very small."

"That's not necessary, the room is still big and looks comfortable."

The dinner table turned into a house planning discussion.

"Can you build me a study room? I can draw and read." Fubao's eyes were shining brightly.

Among the five children, apart from Xibao, she is the most studious.

Xibao smiled and said: "Okay, your big room can be turned into two small rooms, one can be your bedroom, and the other can be your small study. You are the only girl in our family, so you must Have your own room.”

Fu Bao smiled happily, "Brother, you are so kind!"

"Brother, I also want my own room, a big room. I have a lot of little books and a lot of toys." Lu Erxiong said impatiently. Only Dundun took care of the weak Zhuangzhuang and did not participate in this dispute about housing in his hometown. discuss.

Xibao flicked his forehead and said, "When the adults are talking, why are you kids interrupting? We brothers don't have separate rooms."

Looking at the height gap between Xibao and himself, Lu Erxiong retreated to his chair and ate a big meal, mumbling vaguely: "If you don't give it, I won't give it. I know that everyone doesn't like me and only likes my sister."

"Brother, you don't even have a separate room. I only have it for a girl. How come everyone doesn't like you?"

Lu Erxiong tilted his head and thought for a moment, swallowed the food in his mouth, and announced loudly: "I want to be a girl too!"

Everyone who was eating at the dinner table almost screamed after hearing this.

Lu Jiang smoothed away the pain in his chest and said seriously: "Er Xiong, you are a boy, you can't become a girl!"

"But I want to be a girl, like a sister."

Ye Yan remained silent, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Er Xiong, why do you want to be a girl? Just because your sister has a separate room and you don't?"

Lu Erxiong held his head high and his chest high, "Sister, because she is a girl, she has her own room. She can often wear nice new clothes, and she can also draw nice paintings. The little frog she drew last time is better than my tin frog. They are all beautiful. If I become a girl, I will have my own room, new clothes to wear, and I will also be able to draw beautiful little frogs!”

Father Lu suppressed his laughter and touched his head, "Your sister can draw since she was in elementary school. If you study hard, you will also be able to draw beautifully. Didn't your mother make you new clothes?" You can wear it during the Chinese New Year.”

Feng Qingxue always loved her children and would always buy them new clothes throughout the year. Of course, she would wear old ones most of the time.

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