Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1664 A paper transfer order 2

Feng Qingxue couldn't let go of the elderly and children at home, and Fu Bao and the triplets almost never left her side after they were born.

Recalling the historical records and looking at the four calendars torn off from the wall, Feng Qingxue frowned slightly.

Because Lu Jiang paid more attention to the development of the country and borrowed all the books and materials about the historical trend in the space, Feng Qingxue also took a lot of notes, and there was still some time before the naval battle.

Lu Jiang knew what his wife was thinking at a glance. In front of him, her wife was like clear water.

It's crystal clear and you can see the bottom at a glance.

"Since August and September last year, the Xisha waters in the South China Sea have been constantly harassed. Many fishermen have been arrested, and more than a dozen islands have been added to their territory. my country has launched a border war strategy, and the two countries have been in a state of tit-for-tat. , Now it has reached the point of intolerance, and the war is about to break out. "

Having said this, Lu Jiang sighed, "Our country is at a disadvantage in terms of equipment. All the 1000-ton frigates are in disrepair. We can only send 100-ton frigates to sea operations, and this is very reluctant. On the other hand, there are several American frigates in the local area."

Feng Qingxue knew this very well, because the national strategic focus was on preventing the Soviet Union in the north, and investment in the south was much less.

"We will win, A Jiang, you have to have confidence in our country." Feng Qingxue patted his arm. The couple knew the final result better than anyone else.

The naval battle took place in mid-January, and today is the fifth.

The Southeast Military Region secondment may arrange for her to be on duty in the military hospital, or she may be arranged to join the team on a ship and be responsible for frontline rescue medical work. After all, her medical skills are not well-known.

Regardless of naval battle, land battle or air battle, as long as it is on the front line, someone will always be injured.

Compared with rear work, the dangers on the front line are extremely high.

Even if there are clear international regulations that the two sides are not allowed to attack medical soldiers during a war, it is almost obvious that the hail of bullets will affect the frontline medical soldiers.

Lu Jiang himself is willing to do his best for the country, but he does not want his wife to take risks.

This paper transfer order is heavier than a thousand pounds to him. He really doesn't want to show it to his wife.

"I would rather this transfer order fall on me than on you." Lu Jiang pressed his forehead against hers, worried, and then answered his wife's previous questions, "It is said to be a secondment, but the duration of the secondment was not specified clearly. I’m not sure when I’ll let you back, and I’m even more worried that after seeing your medical skills, they won’t be willing to let you back.”

Feng Qingxue laughed, "A soldier's bounden duty is to obey orders. Have you forgotten the rules of the army? The transfer order has been issued and we say we don't want to go. It will cause a series of troubles. Your future and the future of our children will be affected." Since it’s a secondment, I will definitely come back. If they don’t let me come back, you can ask them for someone, and I can also apply.”

Both couples living in different places are soldiers. After reaching a certain level, the country will transfer one of them to the other according to regulations. This is why she has been following Lu Jiang.

Lu Jiang was still unhappy and his brows were knotted.

Feng Qingxue smoothed his brow, "Don't worry, A Jiang, you also know that I still have some good things in my hands. I will carefully read the information about this war. I cherish my own life more than anyone else. , Nothing serious except death. But we are in the far north. I am going to the far south. The journey takes a long time. Isn’t everything too late when I get there? "

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