Even if we set off tomorrow and take an express train directly to Guangdong that is faster than more than ten years ago, it will be difficult to catch up.

Since it is a naval battle, the army is at sea.

Lu Jiang said solemnly: "You have to leave in the evening."

If it weren't for this sudden transfer order, he would have stayed in the dormitory tonight instead of going home, because he still had a lot of work to arrange early tomorrow morning.

The south is not stable, and the enemy forces on the northern border are also ready to move.

"It's late at night?" Feng Qingxue looked at her watch. It was already past nine o'clock.

This Rolex watch is very durable. It has been almost fourteen years since I bought it, and the time is still very accurate.

"You don't need to bring anything else. They will definitely prepare it for you over there. The main thing is to bring your first aid kit and a few changes of light clothes. The weather is warmer in the south, so just wear a winter coat." Lu Jiangyue The more he said, the more uncomfortable he felt, "After a while, the guard and I will drive you to the train station. In the middle of the night, a train will pass by Wucheng and the capital. You can take that train to the capital. When you get off the train, someone will pick you up. Then You take a military plane directly to the Southeast Military Region Headquarters and follow the arrangements there. "

So urgent? No time to say goodbye to your family?

Feng Qingxue's expression changed, and she immediately put down her unfinished clothes and went back to the house to pack her bags.

Lu Jiang followed, "Honey, you must remember, you must remember, safety first, safety first. I know it is inappropriate for me to say this, but I am willing to go through life and death for the country, and I only care about you."

Feng Qingxue quickly stuffed the change of clothes, shoes and socks into the bag, "Don't worry!"

Lu Jiang was worried about her going to the Southeast Military Region, and how could she be worried about the elderly and children at home? The Chinese New Year was coming soon, but they couldn't celebrate the Spring Festival together. Of course, it was difficult for countless soldiers stationed in the army to reunite with their families.

Feng Qingxue took out some supplies from the space and stuffed them into a large box, and gave the key to Lu Jiang, "Wang Zhao's cotton-padded jacket and cotton trousers are just short of a trouser leg. Please Cuilan to put some finishing touches, and Xibao's clothes are also packed away." , You can send someone to send him a pair of cotton shoes later, buy him a pair, and I have prepared some mountain bacon that I said I would give to the orphanage that day."

Lu Jiang stuffed the keys into his pocket and picked up the first aid kit and baggage, "You don't have to worry about things at home. Your only responsibility is to ensure your own safety and fulfill your responsibilities."

"Yes!" Feng Qingxue put on her military coat and nodded heavily.

The two of them went out under the winter moonlight, and the guard was already driving and waiting at the door.

Liu Ran drove and Zhao Qing sat in the passenger seat. The two of them prepared a lot of things for Feng Qingxue and put them in their net pockets.

After the car got on the road, they didn't say a word, not daring to disturb Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue who were sitting in the back. The latter was chattering: "It's too late to hand over the work in the army. Fortunately, there are not many patients in the hospital at the moment. My work diary They are all locked in the cabinet in the office. Come back and let the doctor who takes over take a look. "

"I will arrange it." Lu Jiang said.

"When the child gets up and asks me where I have been, just tell me that you are on a business trip and will be back soon, let alone go to the south." Feng Qingxue always felt that there were many things that had not been arranged, but it was too late, "Xi Bao and Fu Bao is already big, so don’t worry too much. Dundun and Zhuangzhuang are very well-behaved. Even Er Xiong, if he is very naughty, you can’t allow him to act recklessly.”

Lu Jiang held her hand tightly, but his hand trembled slightly, and kept whispering in her ear: "Call me when you arrive to ensure your own safety. Be sure to remember these words of mine, right?" To me, nothing else matters.”

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