The road is not easy to drive at night, and cars often break down, especially in winter, and often fail to start. Fortunately, today went smoothly.

Feng Qingxue got on the train smoothly, but her husband's warning to her before leaving still lingered in her ears.

The train clanked at night, and it seemed as if one could hear the cold wind raging outside.

Feng Qingxue sighed softly and put away her luggage. Feng Qingxue closed her eyes and lay on the berth undressed to take a rest. The order came so suddenly and she was not prepared at all. She still can't believe herself. I really left the Wucheng Army and was about to start a new life, full of unpredictable future.

It may be long, it may be short.

Why was she asked to go there by name? She asked Lu Jiang, but Lu Jiang didn't know. It was probably as Tiao Ling said, and he valued her medical skills.

When it comes to first aid technology, Feng Qingxue is still number one in the military.

Since Feng Qingxue started working as a doctor, nine out of ten emergency patients who passed through her hands can be rescued. Instead of telling the patient's family or comrades that she is powerless, some say that she has good medical skills, and some say that she is lucky. Feng Qingxue thinks that she is more lucky and can always meet some good people who are willing to guide and help her.

This catastrophe destroyed countless high-level intellectuals, and the remaining medical talents were in short supply.

Although there are workers, peasants and soldiers students now, Feng Qingxue has attended the Workers, Peasants and Soldiers University for two years and knows best what the situation is like there. There are very few students who really put study first, but most of them are still doing it. She rarely participated in various activities because she always used the excuse that she had children at home to take care of, so she had a weak relationship with the same group of students and had limited friendships.

Eighty to ninety percent of the medical students who come out of this situation cannot use it. They have to study basic knowledge for one or two years with a serious attitude, and have to deduct half of the time for activities. Not only do they not learn everything, but their clinical practice is not good either. .

The first and second batches of students are slightly better, but most of the students in the last two years have gone through the back door, which is even worse.

Thinking about it this way, it doesn't seem strange that the Southeast Military Region seconded her there.

Although intellectuals are looked down upon now, when it comes to hiring, all talents are in demand.

Time passed by, and Wucheng was not far from the capital. Feng Qingxue, who had not been able to say goodbye to the elderly and children, did not dare to sleep for fear of missing the time to get off the train. After all, for this train, Wucheng and the capital were just passing by. stations instead of origin and destination.

The winter in the capital is as cold as in Wucheng, and a cloud of white mist spurts out when you open your mouth.

Wearing the new army coat issued this winter, Feng Qingxue felt a chill in her bones. Her leather-gloved hands were carrying the first aid kit and baggage, and the two eyes in the middle of her scarf and hat were only looking at the flow of people at the train station. .

If someone comes to pick her up, who will pick her up?

It was still dark at five or six o'clock, and everything was dark except for the lights inside and outside the train station that gave off a dim light.

After walking a few steps forward against the cold wind, Feng Qingxue finally saw a young and upright soldier standing in the cold wind holding a whiteboard sign with the five characters "Wucheng Feng Qingxue" written on it.

The calligraphy is very neat, but it doesn't look good, and it can't even be called regular.

Behind the young soldier, there was a jeep parked, and the darkness could not hide its majesty.

"Comrade, I am Feng Qingxue from Wucheng." Feng Qingxue, who felt like she had frozen into a popsicle, hurried forward to say hello, "Comrade, are you here to pick me up? Thank you for your hard work."

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