The name Feng Qingxue is very unique. Although it is not famous, it is not unknown either.

The faces of several doctors immediately changed, and smiles appeared on their faces. One of them, a female doctor in her forties, stepped forward and said enthusiastically: "It turns out to be Dr. Feng. I have admired your name for a long time. My name is Minglan. Your name is Minglan. You must have never heard of my name, but you must know my teacher, his name is Lian Fengguo."

It turned out to be my nephew.

Feng Qingxue's eyes flashed, "Senior brother, are you okay?"

"Teacher, everything is very good. When he is busy, he has to perform two or three surgeries a day, and he rarely has free time." Lian Fengguo has superb medical skills and specializes in Western medicine. The ups and downs over the years have not affected him at all. After all, everyone cherishes his life. Most of the more complex and serious surgeries are performed by Lian Fengguo, so he will naturally be spared.

When Minglan said this, she remembered that Lian Fengguo said that although her junior sister is not very old, she has a stable mentality, good skills, and is very studious. Many doctors older than her are as good as her. No wonder she is in today's team. middle.

The country has invested little in the south, and the frigates are in disrepair. Not to mention the lack of medical personnel.

Who is not a smart person here? When I heard that Minglan's teacher was Feng Qingxue's senior brother, I immediately remembered that Lian Fengguo studied under Dr. Guo Mingguo. Could it be that Feng Qingxue was also a disciple of Guo Mingguo?

Someone asked unconsciously, Feng Qingxue smiled and said: "Yes, I have been studying with the teacher for some years."

Minglan smiled and said, "Doctor Feng, let me introduce you."

According to the rules, she had to call him Uncle Feng Qingxue, but the current situation did not allow the development of this old society's title, and she could not call him by his first name, so she could only settle for Doctor Feng.

Feng Qingxue naturally understood, and was grateful to Minglan for introducing her to her colleagues.

What caught Feng Qingxue's attention the most was a short, thin, middle-aged man about fifty years old. His name was Zhao Chenggong. He turned out to be Wu Zheng's student and one of the important candidates for this secondment.

"I once learned medical skills from Doctor Wu. His students must be very powerful." Feng Qingxue mentioned casually.

Zhao Chenggong was stunned and blurted out: "What a coincidence?"

Feng Qingxue smiled and said, "I actually became a monk halfway. I started studying medicine at the age of eighteen. I have never practiced boy kung fu. I have met many seniors in the past ten years. Even if I don't have the status of master and apprentice, they all teach me carefully. , without hiding any secrets, that’s why I am what I am today. My family, Lu Jiang, suffered a lot of hidden injuries during the war, and it was thanks to Dr. Wu that I was able to fully recover.”

A tall, thin, middle-aged female doctor named Tang Yan asked her who she had learned from, and Feng Qingxue answered.

First it was Dr. Guo and the doctors and nurses from the Southwest Military Region Hospital, then Wu Zheng, and later it was Guo Ming, Guo Xiuying, Wang Sanbao and the seniors she met in the hospital, as well as several old professors from the medical school. .

I shouldn't have mentioned a few old professors because many people avoided them, but Feng Qingxue did not miss them.

No matter whether they are in glory or in poverty, in Feng Qingxue's heart, they are all her teachers.

As a result, after these names came out of her mouth, the other five doctors all smiled and their attitudes changed greatly. Two of them were students of Professor Xie, named Chen Kun and Jiang Nan. The other two, Luo Peng, were students of Dr. Guo. Brother-in-law, Zhang Qiming studied under Dr. Guo. Zhang Qiming studied with Feng Qingxue’s senior brother Zhan Yuying for two years.

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