Feng Qingxue was astonished after hearing their self-introductions.

Could it be that most of the elites in the industry know each other? They are either classmates or classmates, or they are family members. The Guo family seems to be a medical family, and most of their descendants are engaged in the medical field.

Minglan couldn't help but laugh and said: "This is how our industry is, just get used to it."

The academic world is already very small, and the medical world is just a branch of the academic world. This has resulted in the loss of a large number of talents. Which of the remaining top talents has no real ability? Which one has no background and origin? There are countless students from the same medical university, and the seniors lead many juniors. This is called a famous teacher giving birth to a good disciple. After coming and going, a large number of them will naturally be related.

Even Minglan herself was actually a student of Capital University School of Medicine twenty years ago. Professor Xie also taught her. The difference was that she was with Lian Fengguo during her internship and was later transferred to the military hospital.

"Speaking of which, we can be considered alumni. It has been eighteen years since I graduated." Minglan continued.

Feng Qingxue said sheepishly: "How can I, an engineering and soldier college student who graduated in two years, be compared with you, a real college student? I just got the reputation of Capital University."

Minglan said cheerfully: "Who said that? Although academic qualifications are important, the skills you master are more important."

When talents are needed, as long as they have a certain skill, even if they don't have any diploma certificate, the country will put them to good use.

Feng Qingxue was about to nod in agreement. After all, she did not have a diploma in the first place, but was interrupted by the person who urged them to get on the plane. She quickly put on her military coat and picked up her luggage. Each of them had travel experience. A first aid kit and a suitcase bag. After a brief inspection, I got on the plane smoothly without letting the first aid kit and luggage leave my side.

Before boarding the plane, Feng Qingxue said to Xie Changyu: "Go back and thank Lu Shuai for me!"

"Yes!" Xie Changyu and other people who picked up the doctor did not follow him. They had to tell the leader when they returned after the task was completed.

When they boarded the plane, it was not yet time to take off. Because they were somewhat related to each other, they chatted very enthusiastically. Academic words burst out one after another, and they did not stop until the arrival of the two leaders, and they all got up.

Two old leaders walked with them, and several doctors were blushing with excitement.

One was Ding Guofeng, and the other was an old leader whom Feng Qingxue knew from the compound. They greeted each other generously.

"Comrades, you have all worked hard. You came from all sides in the middle of the night to go with us. This time the South China Sea needs you. I have seconded you from your original posts in the hope that your arrival can reduce the number of our sides in the war. I hope you will give the wounded soldiers hope in their new posts."

"Don't worry, leader, we will do our best to treat the injured!"

"Yes, leader, just watch!"

"We will definitely drive the invaders out of our territory!"

“Everyone has the responsibility to defend the territory of the motherland!”

"When the Navy fights bloody battles, we must do a good job in the rear and never retreat!"

They all expressed their determination, and they never flinched because they needed to go to the front line. Their awe-inspiring righteousness made Feng Qingxue secretly ashamed that she did not have such a high level of awareness.

Feng Qingxue pays great attention to health and breakfast is indispensable. She asked the staff for a cup of hot milk since she didn't have breakfast.

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