The two guards prepared a lot of food for her, fearing that she would be hungry on the road. Feng Qingxue pretended to take things from the package and took out a few hard-boiled eggs placed in the space. She invited the two leaders first. He said that he had eaten, and then invited the doctors who came with him. Most of them had eaten. Only Minglan had not eaten, so he drank milk and ate eggs and biscuits with her to relieve hunger.

The journey was long, and no one was restrained by the high power of the two old leaders.

Some continued the previous discussion, and some directly talked to the old leaders and asked about the situation of the naval forces.

This can be regarded as a characteristic of the times, because the old leaders often met with workers, peasants, soldiers, and students, and because most of the leaders came from poor backgrounds, they did not treat people with a condescending attitude.

Ding Guofeng sat next to Feng Qingxue, "How are your father and Xibao? Hailan talks about Xibao every day."

After returning to the capital, he finally understood the good fortune of his grandfather and grandson. How many of them had not suffered when others were sent to various places?

Therefore, Ding Guofeng is even more grateful for the Lu family's help.

"It's good. They are all in Wucheng. I set off immediately after receiving the order. I didn't have time to say goodbye to them. I wonder if they will be angry when I go back." Feng Qingxue replied with a smile, "I didn't expect you to go too. The situation in the South China Sea looks very serious!”

Ding Guofeng nodded and said, "Yes, if the enemy doesn't withdraw, there will definitely be a fight."

The fight has indeed begun, Feng Qingxue thought to herself.

The speed of planes now is not as fast as it was a few decades ago, and it was already evening when they arrived at the Southeast Military Region.

Different from the cold in Wucheng and the capital, the climate in the Southeast Military Region is very warm.

The sun has not set yet, and the warm sunshine shines on the face, blending with the waves in Feng Qingxue's eyes.

Feng Qingxue raised her hand to block the sun, and saw her colleagues shouting about the heat, and hurriedly taking off their military coats and cotton-padded jackets. Their upper bodies were fine, some were wearing shirts, and some were wearing autumn clothes, and then they were peeling off their cotton-padded jackets. They had their coats on, but they couldn't take off their heavy cotton pants immediately, which made them feel very embarrassed and covered with sweat.

Feng Qingxue calmly took off her military coat and cotton-padded jacket, folded them and put them into a bag that was much heavier than before departure, revealing the white shirt underneath and the sky blue cashmere vest, which was fresh, clean and beautiful.

When she was taking care of her appearance and clothes in the bathroom before boarding the plane, she took into account the weather in the south. She put on her underwear, shirt and vest, cotton jacket, coat and military coat in order. She took off her cotton trousers and cashmere trousers on her body now. It's a little hot, but it's bearable. If it's a little colder, just put a jacket on your upper body, it's very convenient anyway.

The two leaders smiled upon seeing this and said, "Don't worry, they will definitely arrange accommodation for us."

It meant changing clothes after arriving at the place where they lived, because the second elder also felt the heat of the cotton trousers wrapped around his legs, and it was so hot that he was burning.

The person who came to pick them up was Lu Zhenhua, and there were two senior officers whom Feng Qingxue didn't know. There were also cars that came to pick them up. At first glance, there were seven or eight cars. The two leaders were asked to get in the car first, and then they were seconded. Here comes the doctor.

Maybe the old leader had told them to send these doctors to the military area guest house to eat and rest.

Lu Zhenhua glanced at everyone and said solemnly: "The two leaders will probably stay here for a few days, and you will have to take a boat directly to the island where the fleet is stationed early tomorrow morning. When you get there, there will be various arrangements for you. "

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