Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1718 Psychological preparation 1

After such a big change, how could Dr. Guo say he wouldn't cry if he didn't want to?

Looking at her biological son who was covered with weather in front of her, the more she thought about it, the sadder she became. Her father had not cared about her mother since she was a child. He joined the army at a young age. When he grew up, he was forced to swear a poisonous oath. He was hurt by his brother and sister-in-law's family. At the age of forty, No, he doesn’t even have a wife.

The sadder she got, the harder she cried.

Lu Erxiong rolled his eyes, held the mat on the ground with both hands, slid his buttocks, and returned to his original position, sitting in a row with his elder brothers, sisters, and younger brothers, looking up at Shi Guantao with five faces as he clumsily comforted Dr. Guo.

Cheng Baoguo and Wang Cuilan were sighing and understood Dr. Guo's pain.

The parents of the Shi family have long been dead, and the eldest brother of the Shi family who knew about it has also passed away. They have no way to hold the culprit responsible, so can they not feel panicked?

Summer showers come and go as quickly as they come.

Aunt Gu sent her two nieces to ask for leave from Dr. Guo. It started raining heavily as soon as she arrived at the hospital. After asking for leave, she took shelter from the rain in the hospital. She came back only after the rain stopped. Before she even entered the door, she heard her aunt crying. He immediately quickened his pace.

"Auntie, why are you crying?" Sister-in-law Gu was extremely anxious.

Gu Tian was raised by his uncle and aunt. After Mrs. Gu got married, she also received a lot of help from her uncle and aunt. When her children had many difficulties in life, thanks to her uncle and aunt's subsidies, she was particularly filial to Dr. Guo. She also told her three sons, who should study? Gu Qing had a daughter-in-law like that and forgot that his mother was not filial to Dr. Guo, so he got her out of the house.

Feng Qingxue quickly pulled her aside and told her the life experiences of Shi Guantao and Gu Qing in a low voice.

Sister-in-law Gu slapped her thigh, "No wonder he looked familiar to me when I first saw him. It turns out he is really a brother in our family! On the other hand, Gu Qing must not be close to my aunt because they are not related by blood."

Feng Qingxue couldn't laugh or cry. This seemed to have nothing to do with blood, but a matter of character.

Sister-in-law Gu then muttered to herself: "Since he is our child, we can't keep it quiet so that no one knows about it. We have to take him back to his hometown to recognize him as a relative. His third uncle died in the Northeast battlefield and was buried there." While he is there, without returning home, we cannot cross the border to kowtow and visit his grave.”

"I heard A Jiang say that there were only five people from their company who survived. A Jiang, Brother Zhao, and Shi Guantao were three of them. All the fallen comrades, regardless of their rank, were buried in the Martyrs Cemetery over there."

As soon as he heard what she said, the tears that Dr. Guo had just stopped began to flow down again.

She knows better than anyone what the situation is like on the battlefield. She and her husband are not afraid at all when they go to the battlefield. They have been in the rain of bullets for many years, but when it comes to her son, her heart is almost broken in two.

Wang Cuilan hurriedly glared at Feng Qingxue, she really didn't want to open any pot.

"Guo Xia, don't cry, don't cry. Although you two have been separated for forty years, you now know the truth and will live a good life in the future." Doesn't thirty-nine or four mean forty years, rounded up? Wang Cuilan continued: "On the contrary, you have to come up with a charter to recognize each other. Don't forget that one of the two children exchanged is named Gu Qing."

When Gu Qing was mentioned, everyone fell silent.

The Gu family has raised Gu Qing for forty years, putting a lot of effort into all aspects of food, clothing, housing, transportation, and work. It is impossible to say that there is no love, even if Gu Qing's various behaviors after marriage have worn away the love between mother, son, and brother.

If they had feelings, they didn't know how to face him who occupied Shi Guantao's life.

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