Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1719 Psychological Preparation 2

Some people say that giving birth to kindness is not as important as cultivating kindness. That is because raising children is a very hard task. Watching children grow up from a small group and worrying about them is more noble than those who only give birth to children without raising them. I don’t know how many times.

Some people say that if you have a cat or a dog, you will develop feelings for them, let alone people who live with them day and night.

The importance of generating kindness or cultivating kindness depends on the situation and the person, and cannot be said in one word.

Like Shi Guantao, does the Shi family have any kindness to him? There is, but it is limited, not as big as the sky, not as deep as the sea, and not as big as the kindness of Gu Datou and Doctor Guo to his birth, because the latter is also a victim.

On the other hand, when it comes to Gu Qing, the Shi family is kind to him and the Gu family is kind to him. Normal people would say that nurturing kindness is greater than being kind to him.

Of course, they didn't know what Gu Qing was thinking, but they all looked at Dr. Guo.

Doctor Guo still held Shi Guantao's hand, "Gu Qing has already married and started a business. He is not a ten-year-old or eight-year-old child, but he should also understand the principles of life. I will terminate the mother-son relationship with him and don't have to raise him. I will maintain the mother-son relationship with him. There is still no need. Feed him."

"What's Auntie's plan?" Gu Tian felt in a dilemma.

Doctor Guo said firmly: "Guantao is our child, your uncle's only bloodline. Even if we haven't gotten along for forty years, we have to recognize him, restore the relationship between our mother and son, and tell the world openly." , let everyone know that he is the son of me and Gu Datou, so that he and I can live together legitimately in the future. As for Gu Qing..."

Shi Guantao noticed her gaze, his heart moved, and he hurriedly said: "I am not a child. No matter what decision you make, I will not object. I am not here to take away anything that belongs to Gu Qing. I am in the capital." I have my own work, I just want to see you and do my best to be a filial son.”

Doctor Guo squeezed his hand and choked with sobs: "Okay!"

She knew clearly that Gu Qing was not her son, knew that Gu Qing had invaded Shi Guantao's life, and knew that she would be sorry for Shi Guantao if she did not dissolve the relationship between mother and son. However, it was really difficult for her to let go of the relationship that had lasted for decades, even though Gu Qing had not been with her for so many years. He has never raised her in old age, and his attitude towards her as a mother is not even one-tenth of the same as towards Shen Xiufen.

Therefore, even if Shi Guantao recognized her, he would not terminate the mother-son relationship with Gu Qing.

The Shi family separated her from her biological son for nearly forty years. She would not return her adopted son to the Shi family unless Gu Qing wanted to return to the Shi family.

After hearing Doctor Guo's decision and statement, Sister-in-law Gu said directly: "Unless he is mentally ill, Gu Qing will definitely not return to the Shi family! The Shi family has never raised him, and his parents are dead, so the remaining people have nothing to do with him. How can we compare to our Gu family? Although they don’t have much ability, they are as good as ordinary people in Pingtou. "

The adults present all understood what she meant, but they couldn't say it out loud.

Gu Datou had many deceased brothers during his lifetime, many of whom were in political positions. Mr. Gu also had the prospect of further promotion. The Gu family also had several good relatives such as Wang Xinsheng's family, Guo family and Zhao Yong's family. Gu Qing's departure from the Gu family would mean that he and Gu Datou had a close relationship with each other. They have nothing to do with each other anymore. Based on Shen Xiufen's behavior, it is already good for him to keep his current position. Gao Sheng can't even think about it.

"You have to tell Gu Qing everything about this," Dr. Guo insisted. The mother and son did not have the same household registration, and it would not matter whether the relationship between mother and son was resolved. However, she did not want Shen Xiufen to continue to unscrupulously offend those around her by taking advantage of the Gu family. Everyone.

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