Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1720 Psychological preparation 3

Doctor Guo was in a state of ups and downs and was exhausted. He didn't want to see Gu Qing, so he handed over this task to Gu Tian.

If you have this time, you might as well spend time with Shi Guantao.

Gu Tian was sent by Doctor Guo to find Gu Qing to explain. Doctor Guo also asked Sister Gu to buy vegetables. Although meat was no longer available, seafood was definitely available. "Buy more and give Guan Tao a good supplement. Don't be afraid of wasting money." "

She lives and eats alone in a military hospital, and her expenses are limited. Although she subsidizes Gu Qing's family 500 yuan a month before retirement, she still has a little money left. After saving it for ten or twenty years, it is already a lot of money. After coming here, he stopped giving money to Gu Qing and had a total of five to six thousand yuan in savings.

Dr. Guo not only gave Mrs. Gu money, but also gave her all the cloth tickets in his hand, and whispered to her to buy some cloth to make clothes for Shi Guantao. She felt distressed when she saw Shi Guantao's patched clothes.

Sister-in-law Gu only took the cloth ticket without asking for money, turned around and called Feng Qingxue.

At three or four o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was still very hot after the rain. Except for Erxiong, no one else wanted to go out.

Sister-in-law Gu and Feng Qingxue, mother and son, went to buy cloth first. Doctor Guo's cloth tickets were limited, so Sister-in-law Gu and Feng Qingxue contributed their own cloth tickets, which were enough to buy two clothes for Shi Guantao.

Although Shi Guantao is very thin, he is tall, which makes him very similar to Gu Tian.

Gu Tian is also very tall and thin, but Gu Qing has a medium and stocky build.

Nowadays, clothes are very loose and can be worn alone in summer. In addition to shirts and underwear, trousers and jackets have to be worn outside cotton-padded clothes in winter, so a figure like Shi Guantao's is particularly expensive for fabrics.

Sister-in-law Gu said: "It's really uneconomical to make clothes for Guantao."

Feng Qingxue asked smoothly: "Sister-in-law is from Shanghai?"

This argument has always been prevalent in Shanghai.

Sister-in-law Gu shook her head and said while paying, "No, I was born in Yongcheng. Many Shanghainese moved there from our hometown, so the accents are naturally the same."

Feng Qingxue understands.

After buying the fabric, Sister-in-law Gu took matters into her own hands and bought two pairs of shoes for Shi Guantao. She noticed that Shi Guantao was about the same height, short, fat, and thin as Gu Tian, ​​and his big feet looked the same. If they didn't fit, just come back and change them.

Because Gu Qing never treated Dr. Guo well after getting married, Sister-in-law Gu easily accepted Shi Guantao's existence.

Gu Qing is not a bad person. Everyone knows that he is honest and honest. You can say that he is unfilial. Most of his income before marriage was devoted to Doctor Guo. After marriage, he never had any quarrels with Doctor Guo, nor did he ever touch Doctor Guo. He must be filial. After marriage, he only obeyed Shen Xiufen's orders. He was very good at squeezing Doctor Guo's salary. He didn't even show his face when the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law quarreled. Doctor Guo returned to work and moved away to live in another house for his two daughters. He Not even a single word to save her.

Gu Tian looked at this middle-aged man who had been his cousin for nearly forty years with complicated eyes. His uncle and aunt were fighting in the north and south. When Gu Qing was a child, he had always been taken care of by his brother. He was said to be a cousin, but in fact he was half a son. .

"Brother, are you looking for me? I'm looking for you." Gu Qing was thinking about how to speak.

Shen Xiufen promised to buy a Rolex with her natal brother, but the family's money was simply not enough. Doctor Guo was obviously not willing to pay a penny. In order to save her face in front of her natal parents and brothers, she handed over this important responsibility to Gu Qing. Let him ask Dr. Guo for money, even if she scolded Gu Qing before.

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