Seeing Wang Xinsheng coming together with Jiang Yun, Lu Shuai, General Xu and others, Feng Qingxue patted the back of Lu Jiang's hand and reminded him to greet them, and no longer focused on the skirts worn by Su Meixiang and others.

In a sea of ​​black, gray, blue and green, the appearance of dresses represents that lesbians have finally taken the first step in the pursuit of beauty.

Even if it's quite political, it's still something to be happy about.

Wang Xinsheng, Jiang Yun, Lu Shuai and others were very happy to see Feng Qingxue, especially Wang Xinsheng, who had smooth wrinkles and a kind smile. After saying hello, Lu Shuai and General Xu were invited over, and he said to Feng Qing Xue said: "When did you come to the capital? You didn't come to my place to sit there. Your aunt talks about you every day."

Feng Qingxue smiled and said: "Next time, I will visit you and aunt again when I have the opportunity. I came back from the South China Sea and arrived in the capital by plane. I thought that one month would be plenty of time. My father and Xibao are both in Jiangxi." I’ll just stay with a few children at my brother’s house for two days and meet them, and then I’ll have to go back to the Wucheng army soon.”

Jiang Yun was very happy to hear that the children were at home, "Why don't you go back with Lu Jiang? A month is still too early!"

When the situation is not tense, sometimes the army's arrangements are very humane. Giving the seconded doctors a month to return to their original posts is actually giving them a period of good rest in disguise. Of course, there is also the problem of long distances and not human beings. Everyone has the opportunity to fly back.

Although she had a month, Feng Qingxue really couldn't return to her job as soon as the month was over. She had no choice but to pay attention to the impact, especially since Lu Jiang's every move was now under the eyes of others.

The few days she stayed in the capital were no different to her.

Therefore, Feng Qingxue could only bear the pain and said to Jiang Yun: "It will take Ajiang ten or twenty days to go back, I won't wait for him."

"Then leave the child, I'll go home in two days." Jiang Yun said decisively. People like the excitement when they get older. Lu Chen is too lonely, and he likes several children of the Lu family who are generous and generous. Naughty, smart and lively.

Feng Qingxue smiled and said, "Then you have to ask the child what he wants. I can't make the decision."

The child is young, but he has his own wishes. As parents, she and Lu Jiang have always respected their children.

Jiang Yun nodded, "I'll ask again when I get back."

Hehe, he has plenty of ways to make a few children stay willingly.

Just when Feng Qingxue was about to speak, she heard someone announcing that the dance had started. It was Lu Shuai who announced it. She couldn't help being stunned for a moment and whispered: "The old leader and the others haven't come yet, why has it started?"

Wang Xinsheng waved his hand, "The old leader is old and has some difficulty in moving. He will not come to participate this time."

Feng Qingxue suddenly understood and asked about the old leader's physical condition. Wang Xinsheng and others naturally agreed and were unwilling to reveal more. Feng Qingxue also understood this rule and asked no more questions.

When the music started playing, many veteran cadres and their dancing partners stepped onto the dance floor in twos and threes.

Wang Xinsheng smiled at the couple and said, "Go and dance. It's a rare occasion to participate."

Lu Jiang had participated in many dances in the capital, and without exception, he never left the stage. Those who had been in the capital for a long time naturally knew the scene when he attended the dance for the first time, and admired his determination. At this time, he and his wife Coming together, everyone's eyes immediately followed their figures, and they danced very well.

You advance and I retreat, one is strong and the other is soft, so harmonious that it makes people feel like they are looking at a painting.

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