Following the dance steps to the music, Feng Qingxue suddenly felt like she was back in a modern dance party.

Soft music, elegant dance steps, men and women arm-in-arm, whispering words to each other, and the fragrance of wine flowing in the air are intertwined into a piece of splendor known as the fragrance of clothes and shadows on the temples.

Lu Jiang put his hand around her thin and soft waist, "What are you thinking about?" She stepped on his foot in the wrong step.

Feng Qingxue suddenly traveled back from the flash of light, and quickly changed her dance steps to keep up with Lu Jiang's rhythm. Wherever her eyes looked, there was only a dull black, gray, blue and green, and there was no colorful colorful scene seen in the trance.

Lu Jiang asked again. She raised the corners of her mouth and smiled: "It's my first time to attend a dance, so I'm a little nervous."

Lu Jiang didn't believe it, but he also knew the situation he was in. He didn't continue to ask, but said: "If there is a chance, I will still take you with me to the dance next time."

"That will only happen if you have the opportunity." She was embarrassed to leave her post when she was busy at work.

Sometimes I feel that work is very important. I not only maintain my financial independence, but also contribute my own strength to save lives and help the wounded. Sometimes I feel that work is very troublesome. Because I am busy, I neglect my family, neglect the relationship between my family and the relationship between husband and wife. There is even less time, so that married life in these years has become dull.

Fortunately, we are born in this era where purity and absurdity coexist. Everyone's sense of responsibility is generally higher than that of later generations, and their life style is extremely strictly managed. Although there are people who empathize with other people, they are still in the minority.

Fortunately, Lu Jiang was none other than someone who was devoted to her, otherwise he would have had to worry about the seven-year itch.

Lu Jiang naturally understood the implication of his wife's words, and whispered in her ear: "It is too important at this stage, and you and I cannot be willful. Wait a moment, and when there is a new generation of successors, we will step back." , live a life of just the two of us.”

Feng Qingxue flattened her mouth and sighed: "I didn't know I would have to wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Moon of the Horse."

The higher the level, the later they retire. Some even retire in name only but are actually still working. And professional talents may not be able to retire as they please when they reach their age.

She is thirty-two years old and will have to work for at least another twenty years.

"Then cherish the present moment." After dancing, Lu Jiang took her down to drink tea.

Several veteran cadres were exhausted and had already sat on the sofa outside the dance floor to talk. When they saw the couple, they immediately waved. Wang Xinsheng said directly: "Lu Jiang, Xiaoxue, come here."

When the two arrived, they said hello a few times and then sat down.

The service staff quickly brought two bowls of tea and placed them in front of them. There were also some fruits and snacks on the table. The apple missing from the fruit plate was currently in Jiang Yun's hand, half of it had been eaten by the old man.

The weekend dance was naturally not for dancing, the old revolutionaries were talking about work matters.

Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue listened quietly and did not interrupt casually.

Unconsciously mentioning the Xisha naval battle, Lu Shuai smiled at Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue: "You two have made great contributions, especially you, Lu Jiang, are really good."

Lu Jiang said modestly: "It should be done. I don't dare to take credit."

He knew that Lu Shuai was talking about the special forces unit. Now the first batch of special forces units had quietly moved to the capital and carried out their missions secretly. They were no longer under his jurisdiction.

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