Nine large pots of steamed buns were steamed in the three pots of noodles, about twenty in one pot. The three pots of noodles were gray and the two pots were golden in color.

I cooked pumpkin rice and scooped out a pot of sugared garlic, but didn't stir-fry.

Yesterday's meal was too greasy. No one, including the elderly and children, disliked whole grain rice. Erxiong ate two large rolls of two-fold noodles in one go, while Fubao and Zhuangzhuang only ate one.

Pigs were being slaughtered today, and twenty large pots were set up early in the field in front of the brigade office.

The firewood burned brightly under the stove, and hot water bubbled out of the pot. More than a thousand people, men, women, old and young, were all awake and laughing. Zhang Yuejin led a group of strong laborers to catch and kill pigs. The pigs' screams before they died were horrific. .

Lu Erxiong was not afraid at all, he was in high spirits and eager to try. If Xibao hadn't held him back, he would have moved closer to watch the fun.

Twelve pigs were killed, and more than twenty pots of pig blood were collected.

It was cold and the pig blood quickly solidified.

After pouring boiling water on the pig's body, Zhang Yuejin took off his cotton-padded jacket and wore a single autumn coat. He scraped off the pig's hair in three strokes, and a big black fat pig became white and fat, and it died with its eyes closed.

The pigs in Wanglou's brigade are really fat, fat and strong.

The state has regulations that no pigs weighing less than 120 kilograms are allowed to be slaughtered. However, the Wanglou Brigade has a good harvest and lush vegetation. The people are well fed and the pigs are well fed. The average of the twelve pigs is about 140 kilograms. Each head must have about one hundred kilograms of clean meat.

Zhang Yuejin dismantled a pig, and the various parts of the meat were arranged on the big table in an orderly manner. In a blink of an eye, he saw the children following Xibao. Among them, Erxiong's eyes were the brightest. In the envious eyes of other children, he casually put one The pig urine bubble was handed to him, "Boy, take it and wash it, use a trachea to inflate it and use it as a ball."

Lu Erxiong's eyes widened, "What? What is this? It's not a balloon."

The child next to me said hurriedly: "This is pig urine, it's so fun!"

Farm children have few things to play with, and hoops are not common. They are all spinning tops and slingshots. Moreover, there are pig urine bubbles from the annual pig slaughter. There are so many children and so few pig urine bubbles. Whoever gets it will be proud.

Lu Erxiong didn't mind it being dirty, so he happily took it in his hand and discussed with the child how to deal with it.

After a while, an inflated pig urine bubble became a new toy for a group of boys. Lu Erxiong no longer had the energy to watch Zhang Yuejin kill pigs, and said to the children playing with him: "Let my third grandfather go there in a few days." Buy a rubber ball."

"Ball!" A group of children looked envious, "Do you often play football in the city?"

Lu Erxiong thought for a while, "Not often, we still have to go to school, and the older children don't like to play with us younger children. But when the older children are away, we will play football, basketball and table tennis. I don't know what my billiard racket is. Have you sent the badminton racket? If so, I will use it to play with you and teach you how to play billiards and badminton.”

As the pigs were slaughtered and decomposed one by one, ten of the twelve pig urine bubbles actually fell into the hands of the children. The two were sent away to make up for it. It was agreed in advance that the others did not object. The child was a little unhappy.

Twenty pots began to stew the meat, and the aroma filled the air.

Wang Zhengguo decided to let everyone eat enough, and stewed two pigs in one go. In addition, he also had radishes, cabbages and dried vegetables brought from each household. He washed them and cut them. When the meat was cooked, he put it directly into the pot. Each person could get one piece. Large bowl.

Smelling the aroma of meat, Lu Erxiong was so happy that he couldn't find Bei, and he actually felt a little happy and no longer missed Shu.

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