Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 801 Zhaodi’s premature birth 1

Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue put on new military uniforms, their clothes were straight and they looked extraordinary.

Xibao stared blankly for a moment with his eyes wide open, then suddenly pulled his own front with both hands, stretching it so hard that a rubber ball could be placed under it, spinning it around the two of them, "Mom, I want to wear new clothes too! I want hats and stars!”

The little fat finger pointed at the red five-pointed stars on their hats, with longing expressions on their faces.

Feng Qingxue squatted in front of him and looked at him levelly, "Xibao, look, mom and dad's clothes are all green."

"Green!" Xibao blinked his big eyes, so what.

"The grass outside is also green. If Xibao wears green clothes and rolls on the grass, or hides in the grass, mom and dad will not be able to find Xibao. This is the only way!" Feng Qingxue looked at her deliberately. Next to him, he put his hands in the shape of a trumpet to his mouth, "Where is Xibao, where is Xibao? Where did our Xibao go? Ask uncles, brothers and sisters, have you seen our Xibao? It's dark, Mom and Dad If I couldn’t find Xibao, I had to go home and leave Xibao alone on the grassland.”

Xibao threw himself into her arms, "No! The baby also wants to be beautiful."

She hugged Feng Qingxue's neck and twisted around like a candy.

Now three years old, the little guy is becoming more fluent in speech and more thoughtful.

Feng Qingxue's heart softened, "Mom, let me make you new clothes. Can you make a red one? The red one is the most beautiful. There are many little white rabbits on it. Xibao will become the most beautiful baby when he wears it. ”

Xibao touched the five-pointed star on his hat and said, "Star!"

The little guy took off Feng Qingxue's hat and put it on his head. As a result, the hat was a bit big and covered his eyes. He was so anxious that he screamed, "Mom, the baby can't see mommy anymore!"

Feng Qingxue quickly straightened him up and pushed his hat back, revealing his fat face under the brim.

Xibao was so beautiful that she ran up to Lu Jiang and put her hands on her hips, "The baby is very beautiful!"

Lu Jiang had no time to respond, because he heard someone calling him outside, and the voice sounded like Cui Shaoyuan's. He hurriedly carried his daughter out and it turned out to be Cui Shaoyuan, "Comrade Cui? Your feet are on the ground, please come in quickly."

Cui Shaoyuan put the things he brought from the capital on the kang table, with a little smile on his serious face, "I should have come to say thank you to Comrade Qingxue a long time ago, but I am busy with official duties, and I am afraid that Comrade Qingxue's kindness to Jia Yan will be known to others. Just gossiping, that’s why I came to visit after the matter was completely settled. You two comrades won’t blame me for being rude, right?”

"Comrade Cui is serious. I am a doctor. It is my bounden duty to save lives and heal the wounded. No matter who I meet, I will lend a helping hand. You don't have to make a special trip." Feng Qingxue said it beautifully in the scene.

"Jia Yan specifically told me to pay for the medicine, how could I not come and take this trip?"

Cui Shaoyuan said as he took out a stack of large dough balls and placed them on the kang table.

Feng Qingxue pushed it back directly, "Comrade Cui, you are really too polite. Even if it is made of gold, two pills are not worth so much. Besides, if the medicine can save people, it should be used for its real purpose."

"Comrade Qingxue, don't push me around. Niuhuang Pill must be hard-won. How can we accept it calmly? I've asked about it. Niuhuang is a priceless treasure and the king of medicines. You can find it without any clues. There are no such precious life-saving medicines, even rarer than ginseng." Cui Shaoyuan pushed back.

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