Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 802 Zhaodi’s premature birth 2

Feng Qingxue turned her head and thought for a moment, then directly took out two pieces of Great Unity, and passed the rest to Cui Shaoyuan.

"Comrade Cui," Feng Qingxue directly stopped Cui Shaoyuan's attempt to push the money to herself, "Twenty yuan is enough. I paid for the medicine, and you feel relieved. I can't charge you more. If I accept it and let others know about it, won’t I become a corrupt person? Have you forgotten all your investigation work this time?”

"How can this be done? Comrade Qingxue, although the medicines in the hospital are not expensive, and the staff hospital even provides free treatment to us, of course family strictness cannot be free, but Angong Niuhuang Pills have always been life-saving medicines, and they have a price but no market."

"As long as I say yes!" Feng Qingxue said firmly and quickly changed the subject: "Is Uncle Cui feeling better?"

Cui Shaoyuan said hurriedly: "After receiving Quanzi's telegram, I asked his mother to send Jia Yan to the capital for treatment. After all, the medical level in my hometown is not as good as that of the capital hospital. When I came, Jia Yan was recovering well and there was no problem. Good symptoms. I didn’t tell anyone about our coming here. If Jia Yan knew about it, he would definitely ask me to say hello to the two senior comrades and the two junior comrades. "

"Am I a little gay?" Xibao's ears were very pointed.

"Yes!" Cui Shaoyuan looked down at the little fat man who everyone praised unanimously. Sure enough, he had handsome features and a sense of joy that made people want to laugh when he saw them. Cui Shaoyuan himself also grinned, "You are young. Not a little comrade?"

Xibao was so happy that he opened his mouth wide and said, "Little comrade!" He stared at the kang table.

Cui Shaoyuan immediately opened a can of peach. Xibao quickly ran to the cabinet, pushed the chair in front of the cabinet, climbed up on the chair and stood up, opened the unlocked cabinet door, got his own fork, and then removed himself from the chair. Climbing down, he quickly ran back to Cui Shaoyuan and stopped, with his face raised and a smile on his face, "Baby, eat Guo Guo!"

Cui Shaoyuan handed the can to him, and he hugged it with one hand, "Thank you, uncle!"

He ran to the chair, put the cans and bottles on the chair, and stood next to it, poking at each piece and eating each piece with relish.

Lu Jiangdao: "The child is naughty and greedy, making you laugh."

"How could it be? Xibao is very cute and polite. No wonder Jia Yan always talks about it. Comrade Lu and Comrade Qingxue have matching talents and have both children. They are so lucky." Cui Shaoyuan said with a smile, "As long as we firmly follow the old leader's ideological path Go ahead and don’t violate any of the old leaders’ instructions, and you don’t have to worry about your future at all!”

Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue were moved and couldn't help but look at each other. Cui Shaoyuan was reminding them or exhorting them.

Feng Qingxue said seriously: "Of course we support every instruction given by the old leader."

Cui Shaoyuan changed the subject and said, "I never had time to congratulate Vice Commander Lu."

"You have to add two words in front, agent!" Lu Jiang said seriously.

"Add or not, the commander of the army is Comrade Lu anyway, why waste words with two words?" Cui Shaoyuan smiled slightly. Compared with the three candidates who were originally sent, he is obviously alone in the army and does not participate in factional disputes. It is easier to gain the trust of the old leader, so extraordinary promotions happen. Once the signing order comes, no one refuses to follow it.

Cui Shaoyuan's words almost clearly told Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue that this army commander would belong to Lu Jiang in the future, and the word "agent" would be removed sooner or later, and no one else would replace it.

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