Ouyang Zijin continued to cover Xibao's mouth and said to Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue: "What do you think Jin Hong will do?"

Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue shook their heads. They were not Jin Hong, so how could they know what Jin Hong was thinking. Moreover, it didn't matter how Jin Hong dealt with it. What mattered was the future of the two sisters, Jin Zhaodi.

Compared with Zhu Rong and Li Shuitian, Jin Hong's character is very different.

"I remember that the army talked to Jin Hong a long time ago and asked him to persuade Lu Zhaodi not to be so patriarchal and not to abuse Jin Zhaodi. As a result, Lu Zhaodi not only did not change, but intensified and made up our secrets. Just gossiping, it shows that Jin Hong didn't do anything." Feng Qingxue sneered, "Perhaps everything happened to Lu Zhaodi was his connivance."

If Jin Hong said that he liked his daughter and didn't care whether the child was a boy or a girl, Lu Zhaodi would not favor boys over girls. After all, she would care about her husband's thoughts.

Moreover, Feng Qingxue had always known that Jin Hong was restless. He was thinking about Bai Xue before, but now he didn't know what he was thinking about.

Ouyang Zijin thought thoughtfully, "I know that Jin Hong has always wanted to replace Li Shuitian. Cao Hongzhu did these things and was despised by everyone behind his back. He was busy behind the scenes, trying to convince the cadres of the Political Department He removed Li Shuitian and elected himself to the top, under the guise of being afraid of being reported by Cao Hongzhu, but no one paid any attention to him. "

Li Shuitian's character and abilities were impeccable, and many people pitied him for having suffered the loss of a son. Even though his situation in the army was a bit embarrassing, no one made it difficult for him at work, unlike Jin Hongyang who was acting against his will.

Everyone knows that Jin Hong usually has a good relationship with Li Shuitian, but he turns out to be plotting against Li Shuitian secretly.

Perhaps Lu Zhaodi's gossip in front of Cao Hongzhu was inspired by Jin Hong.

Hearing this statement made Jin Hong very angry. He had never done such a thing at all, but he couldn't defend himself because of his various actions. He could only take advantage of his off-duty day off to do it in person after Cui Shaoyuan and others left. He went to Li Shuitian's door to defend himself.

Therefore, Zheng Xuefeng's people found Jin Hong at Li Shuitian's house.

Li Shuitian immediately sent Jin Hong out politely. He didn't pay attention to Jin Hong's family affairs, and couldn't help but many family members who were accompanying the army liked to join in the fun. Feng Qingxue soon learned about the arrangements for the Jin Zhaodi sisters.

In view of the fact that Jin Hong could not control what Lu Zhaodi did, and the troops were afraid that Lu Zhaodi would go crazy during her confinement period and drown her biological daughter without everyone knowing, which was against the law. Therefore, with Jin Hong's consent, under Guo Xiuying's suggestion, , the army placed the Jin Zhaodi sisters with a kind-hearted military family member.

This family member's name is Tian Ling. Her child died in infancy and her knees are still empty. She is willing to take care of the Jin Zhaodi sisters. The main reason is that she likes the obedient and pitiful Jin Zhaodi, especially her love for her sister.

Jin Hong must pay Jin Zhaodi and Jin Pandi's living expenses and rations every month, and also pay Tian Ling ten yuan in nanny fees.

The name Jin Pandi was given to his little daughter by Jin Hong. He said that he chose it after Jin Zhaodi. People would know that they were sisters at first glance, but those with a bright mind would know that he and Lu Zhaodi were actually sisters. Like birds of a feather, no wonder Lu Zhaodi wanted to have a son wholeheartedly.

. . . It's so hot and the speed is unbeatable. I got up at five o'clock to code.

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