Feng Qingxue had no time to pay attention to Jin Hong and Lu Zhaodi's affair. Taking advantage of Ouyang Zijin's free time today, she said to Lu Jiang: "Fu Bao is asleep. You and your brother will take Xi Bao to Xiao Zhao's for a haircut. Xi Bao His hair is a little long, covering his ears and eyes. It’s very hot during the day, and he likes to go out to play. His hair is soaked through, which can easily cause moisture to enter the brain during sleep, which is bad for the body.”

"Okay, you can watch Fu Bao at home."

Ouyang Zijin was very confused, why did Xibao need both of them to shave his head?

When he arrived at the soldiers who were shaving their heads, Lu Jiang, with quick eyes and quick hands, grabbed Xibao who turned around and wanted to run away, and directly carried him in while dancing with his hands. What happened next was an eye-opener for Ouyang Zijin.

Once inside, Lu Jiang sat on the barbering chair, holding Xibao in his arms, holding Xibao's legs between his legs, and clamping down on Xibao's arms with both hands.

"Brother, when Xiao Zhao is shaving Xibao's head later, hold Xibao's head and don't let him move."

When Ouyang Zijin heard about it, he hurried forward. Before he could touch Xibao's head, Xibao was struggling and crying loudly. His tears flowed down like a waterfall, "No, no, mom, help me, mom, help me." !”

He howled at the top of his lungs, but Lu Jiang remained indifferent.

Ouyang Zijin was stunned.

"Commander of the Army, you have to hug him. Minister Ouyang, help me, don't just stand there! My shaving knife doesn't have eyes. But, Commander of the Army, what kind of head shave does Xibao need? Why don't you just have a haircut?" Xiao Zhao pulled a piece of oilcloth around Xibao, tucked it into his collar, then turned around and rubbed the shaving razor on the oilcloth.

Seeing the scraper, Xibao screamed louder, "Bad guy, bad guy!"

Lu Jiang thought for a while, "Just shave his head, it will save trouble!"

Xiao Zhao seemed to be used to Xibao's fierce reaction. He didn't wash his hair, but wet it with a wet towel. The little guy shook his head to prevent him from touching it, yelling, with tears and runny nose.

Ouyang Zijin put both hands together to hold down his little head, making it easier for Xiao Zhao to remove the scissors, scraper and clippers.

Xibao cried so hard that the three adults were so exhausted that they were sweating profusely.

After taking twice as long as shaving the heads of other soldiers, Xiao Zhao finally completed this task. He wiped Xibao's head with a wet towel, took off the oilcloth covered with hair, and shook off the hair on it.

As soon as Lu Jiang let go, Xibao hit the ground and ran away.

While running outside, she stretched out her hand to wipe away her tears, "Mom, save me, mom, save the baby, the baby has met a bad guy!"

Zheng Xuefeng came out of Tian Ling's house and walked in the family compound. When he saw this scene, the annoyance caused by Jin Hong and his wife instantly turned into a smile on his lips, "Hey, where did this little monk come from?"

He had a shiny bald head, and coincidentally, the top of the white rabbit with a red background had a slanted placket and a belt.

The shirts and trousers are made very loose and elegant.

Xibao was crying so hard that he was out of breath. As if he didn't hear Zheng Xuefeng's words, he kept passing by him and went straight to the house to find his mother, "Mom! Mom!"

Lu Jiang said hello to Zheng Xuefeng and followed him into the house.

As for Ouyang Zijin, after Xibao shaved his head, he went back to the dormitory early, holding his stomach and laughing.

Looking at the little bald man standing in front of her with tears and runny nose, accusing her father of being a bad guy, Feng Qingxue, who was folding clothes, was dumbfounded. She has a little monk in her family?

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