After receiving Chen Chen's divorce report, the army directly sent staff in charge of this aspect to find Wan Xinguo to understand the situation.

They say they understand the situation, but they are actually taken away for investigation.

Chen Chen is also a soldier, so her marriage is naturally protected by national law and the army.

Jiang Yun was so angry that he slapped the table, "It's really the evil person who complained first!"

"Dad, what should I do?" When the guess came true, Jiang Xiaoyue was not happy, but very angry. She admired every soldier who was loyal to the country, and really didn't want Wan Xinguo to be so insulted, "Chen Chen is really shameless , the person in charge of this matter is actually Political Commissar Wang, these two adulterers are not just colluding with each other! "

"Xiaoyue! You are such a big girl, shut up about any vulgar words you say!" Jiang Yun scolded, no matter what Chen Chen and Political Commissar Wang were like, he would not allow his daughter to become a vulgar person.

"If you don't say it, don't say it!" Jiang Xiaoyue pursed her lips.

Jiang Yun thought about it and said: "Commissar Wang, this bastard, exposed his butt without wiping it clean. Does he think he can cover the sky with one hand? What does he think of the Capital Military Region?"

Jiang Xiaoyue immediately said: "Dad, you said foul words!"

It's not fair to say it yourself instead of letting her say it! Jiang Xiaoyue's eyes revealed this thought.

"I'm your father!" Jiang Yun glared at her, "I can say bad words to you, but you, a big girl, can't. Learn from Xibao's mother, she is more elegant, that's how a girl should behave."

"Sister Xue!" Jiang Xiaoyue thought of her and called her quickly.

Feng Qingxue was very surprised when she received Jiang Xiaoyue's call. How long had it been since she called her again? Although the call charges are limited and the call time is unlimited, you can’t keep calling like this, right?

Before she had time to tease her on the phone, Feng Qingxue heard Jiang Xiaoyue tell the story of Wan Xinguo's experience in a barrage of words.

"What?" Feng Qingxue was shocked. After being surprised, she immediately calmed down, "Xiaoyue, don't panic. Just do as I say. You first ask Old General Jiang to send someone to find the midwife who helped Chen Chen perform the abortion. You must do it quickly. , find the midwife before Political Commissar Wang and Chen Chen take action, and take her to a safe place. She is the only witness who can prove that Chen Chen had an abortion. Second, tell General Jiang to find a way to get her out. Wan Xinguo’s remittance note to Chen Chen to prove that Wan Xinguo has no different intentions.”

"What remittance order?" Jiang Xiaoyue interrupted her.

"After getting married, Wan Xinguo gave all his monthly salary to Chen Chen. He only left a little living expenses, and all his savings before marriage were given to Chen Chen. This time he went to the capital to borrow money from our family." Feng Qingxue I am filled with emotions. It is true that a good man has never met a good woman. He wanted to get together and get away, but the other party came to frame him.

Jiang Xiaoyue suddenly realized, "It turns out that the money Chen Chen squandered came from Captain Wan. We have never heard her say it, but we do know that she receives remittances every month, but we don't know the amount or who gives it. She sent it."

Feng Qingxue hummed, "We will come forward and send a telegram to your military region to prove that Wan Xinguo has been stationed in the army, eating and living with his comrades, and has not committed any unfaithfulness to his marriage. Over there, Xiaoyue, Wan Xinguo has no relatives or acquaintances in the capital, so I will leave his affairs to you and General Jiang. If we seize the evidence of Chen Chen and Political Commissar Wang, everything will be solved easily. "

. . . I'm very sleepy, so I'll go to bed first. Please vote. I'll update after eight o'clock.

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