Jiang Xiaoyue hummed a few times, "Sister Xue, don't worry, my dad will definitely not let Captain Wan suffer unjust injustice."

A soldier of the country has devoted half his life to the country, why should he be bitten by Chen Chen?

"Excuse me, Xiaoyue, please thank General Jiang for us." Feng Qingxue's mind was spinning very quickly, "Xiaoyue, you must be fast, because we don't know who the midwife is or where she lives. If Chen Chen thinks of this midwife who can prove that he has had an abortion, he will definitely take action first!"

Jiang Xiaoyue was horrified and quickly conveyed it to Jiang Yun next to her. When Jiang Yun went out to send someone to find the midwife, she said to Feng Qingxue: "Sister Xue, my dad has already sent someone to find the midwife. There are two groups of people. One group goes directly to the midwife. I know who the midwife is. The other group secretly follows Political Commissar Wang to send people to the military area gate. If the first group cannot find the people who are looking for Political Commissar Wang, they should I'll find out something. Fortunately, you reminded me quickly. I didn't expect this."

"Do you know who the midwife is? You are so well-informed!" Feng Qingxue was very curious about this, "Chen Chen has a salary of Wan Xinguo every month, but he still needs to ask Bai Xue to borrow fifty yuan?"

Jiang Xiaoyue scratched her head, "Why did you ask Bai Xue to borrow money? We don't know. We don't know that Captain Wan sends his salary to Chen Chen every month. But Chen Chen spends money very much. He goes to Friendship whenever he can. The store bought expensive imported goods, including two or three watches, as well as foreign creams and hairsprays, and a bottle of French perfume.”

Of course, when he was in the army, Chen Chen did not dare to wear perfume and could only use it as a decoration. They did not know whether he wore perfume when he was fooling around with Political Commissar Wang in private.

Speaking of this, Jiang Xiaoyue did not pause and continued: "As for Chen Chen's abortion, the midwife was Mama Ning. She used to be a medical soldier in the army and only retired when she got old. I was the one who delivered the baby. I believe She became a godmother. When I was a child, I followed my dad or my brother and sister-in-law to visit her. When I grew up, I went to see her by myself. I went every year. She told me to stay away from Chen Chen because she was worried that Chen Chen would bring her with him. Damn me. Sister Xue, how dare I tell you something that I am not sure of! If you slander others without any basis, you will be thrown into hell! I think Chen Chen was able to find Mother Ning because of that! Political Commissar Wang, Political Commissar Wang and my father were revolutionary soldiers at the same time, so of course they know what Ning’s mother is capable of.”

Chen Chen's condition was not suitable for going to the hospital. It was not possible in the military hospital or the staff hospital in the capital. For no reason, who would give you an abortion to a woman whose husband was not in the capital? And I also need a letter of introduction when I go to the staff hospital, okay?

Feng Qingxue suddenly realized it, but her heart felt relieved.

"It's great that you know the midwife, and it would be even better if she would come forward and testify."

Jiang Xiaoyue listened to Feng Qingxue's words and said with a smile: "Mother Ning hates evil very much. If Chen Chen doesn't harm others, then Mother Ning won't say anything. But Chen Chen wants to harm our country's soldiers, and his behavior is so vicious and cruel, Mother Ning I will definitely not let her slander Commander Wan. Mother Ning came from the military, and she cherishes our country’s soldiers more than anyone else.”

Mother Ning is not married and has no children, but she has delivered babies for many revolutionary couples in the battlefield, and she has also adopted more than a dozen orphans, some of whom were orphans of martyrs and some of whom were orphans in troubled times. Now they have all grown up and each has achieved success.

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