Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 850 Meeting Jiang Wei for the first time 4

Jiang Wei looked satisfied after eating, "Sister-in-law, I have been in the army for a few months, and this meal is the best meal I have ever had!"

"If you like it, you can eat more. You're welcome." Feng Qingxue brought a piece of steamed bun to Xibao and rolled some shredded green onions and shredded pork with Beijing sauce. It could be seen that the little guy ate it deliciously. , "When you have a break next time, you don't need to invite Brother Lu. You can just come over by yourself. Normally, it's a common occurrence in our house."

"Thank you, sister-in-law!" Jiang Wei smiled happily.

Although the army is responsible for food, housing, and food, the food is not very oily and consists mostly of simple meals. The recruits, unlike the officers, only have vegetarian food, and their stomachs are already empty after a training session.

At the same time, their wages are low and supplies are very limited. They can’t even go to the service center to buy something for toothpaste.

Therefore, when he saw the three meats and one vegetable on the table, which were all delicious and delicious, Jiang Wei opened his cheeks and took down his chopsticks like flying.

"Sister-in-law, the craftsmanship of you and Comrade Lu is really good, no worse than what you can do in a state-owned hotel!"

Feng Qingxue smiled. This was because she was willing to add oil and salt as condiments. Ordinary people tend to have clear soups with little water, which would not be delicious.

Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue often ate space food in private, very restrainedly, while Fu Bao ate even less. After eating a few potato shreds and a few bites of minced meat and steamed eggs, he refused to eat them. What comes out is only sour but not spicy.

On the other hand, Xibao ate two baked buns rolled with shredded pork in Beijing sauce.

This is the difference between the brother and sister. Therefore, Xibao's resistance has always been good, while the skinny Fubao's physique is worse.

"The situation in the capital is getting more and more out of control, so my grandfather kicked me into the army. No one, including the fourth and fifth sons, can stay in the capital." After eating and drinking, Jiang Wei began After complaining, he sighed, "We brothers have never thought about becoming soldiers. How comfortable are we living in the capital army compound? Who knew things would change so quickly."

"What was the situation in the capital when you left?" Feng Qingxue asked.

Jiang Wei was assigned here after the recruit training. He had been here less than a month. He was in the capital during the chaos.

Jiang Wei thought for a while and said truthfully: "It's very chaotic, people are panicked, and the academic community is either dead or injured. We never expected that this would happen, and now we are very grateful that grandpa had the foresight. Although we didn't have bad intentions, we just wanted to follow The children of revolutionaries join in the fun and show that they are very gregarious, but if something like this happens, they will never be able to clean it up for the rest of their lives.”

"Having an elder in the family is like having a treasure. Sometimes, it's not wrong to listen to the elders."

After listening to Lu Jiang's words, Jiang Wei agreed very much, "At that time, there was chaos in the capital, and the military camp where we were located was not peaceful, so we ended the recruit training in a hurry, and I was assigned here. I don't know anything else. ”

Even if he knows, he can't say that he knows how to measure things.

Feng Qingxue and Lu Jiang did not continue to ask questions. When he left, they cut up the remaining pork head meat, mixed it, put it in an enamel bowl with a lid, and asked him to take it back to his comrades in the dormitory to taste it.

From then on, Jiang Wei would come here for a meal every time he had a break.

Of course, he was not empty-handed. Sometimes he would buy some high-priced goods for free, and sometimes he would bring his own meals. He was very eloquent and had a wink, which made Xibao and Fubao smile. They welcomed this big man very much. elder brother.

Yes, big brother.

This generational hierarchy is chaotic enough.

. . . In order to keep the movie going, let’s write about some trivial things in life, hey

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