Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 851 Hot spring water slippery 1

In September, Feng Qingxue received a letter from Shu, and the sender was Lu Lin.

When I opened it, I found that the handwriting was Lin Yufen's and the signatures were Lu Lin and Lin Lu.

The old couple now settled in a remote mountain village near Lin Yufen's hometown. They did not dare to use their real names. Instead, they used the names they used during the Anti-Japanese War, Lu Lin and Lin Lu. The household registration documents at that time were all authentic, and they naturally did not use them after the founding of the People's Republic of China. .

At the critical moment, they remembered their previous identities.

Because Lin Yufen’s accent was local, they said that during the Anti-Japanese War, she and her family lived in a foreign land, and now that they were wandering, they returned to their hometown to settle down. Their identity documents after the founding of the People’s Republic of China were accidentally lost on the way, so they secretly gave a Shanghai brand watch to the brigade. The branch secretary stuffed some more money and settled down safely. He worked at sunrise and rested at sunset, and his life was extremely difficult.

Life was a little more difficult, but I managed to save my life.

There was a semiconductor radio in their carry-on luggage, which could listen to the radio. When they heard the content on the radio, both of them were sweating profusely and terrified.

Before they resigned and after they settled down, they exchanged letters with their sons, using codes that others could not crack. Only they could understand what was written in the letters, so they quickly learned about some things that happened in the capital.

Zheng Peng, an old friend of the two elders, was first tortured to death. His death was extremely tragic. In June, even his body was missing.

Some students, most of whom are students with poor academic performance, are also treated in this way.

Lu Sangyu, the son of Lu Shaonong and Lin Yufen, was out of town and had good ears and eyesight. After receiving the news, they took the lead in making some preparations. Even so, they were afraid that they would not be able to escape the disaster, so while writing to Lu Shaonong and Lin Yufen, The child was sent directly to his hometown. If the couple was caught, they would sever ties with the missing elder brother.

It's important to save your life first, and as for the rest, wait until the weather calms down.

This letter is the last letter between father and son. If there is another letter, it will definitely be a safe time.

At this moment, Lu Shaonong and Lin Yufen were extremely grateful to Feng Qingxue for reminding them.

If they met the same fate as their old friends, they would choose the same path and would rather die than be humiliated.

For fear of someone checking the letter, Lin Yufen did not dare to write the situation of her husband and wife in the letter. She only expressed her sincere gratitude to Feng Qingxue. In a few words, she thanked Feng Qingxue for her life-saving grace.

Although she didn't know how the two elders were doing, Feng Qingxue was very relieved to have avoided the disaster in her previous life.

At least she changed the fate of the two elders, didn't she?

She couldn't change the situation, but she saved two lives.

Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Saving two people is better than building a fourteen-level pagoda.

Now the thing that Feng Qingxue couldn't let go of the most was her family, whether it was her family in her previous life or her family in this life, because the relationship between Lu's father and her grandparents in her previous life was so bad.

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