Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue took ten days off. Feng Qingxue prepared daily necessities and food to carry with her. Lu Jiang asked the army to borrow tents and some essential supplies for survival in the wild.

According to Lu Jiang's rank, the army provided him with a vehicle, but he rarely used it, but this time was an exception.

Therefore, their family of four drove there. The destination was about 100 kilometers away from the city and a long distance from their camp. The road was not easy to walk, and the bumps made the two children complain again and again. Just arrived in the afternoon.

The scenery is particularly beautiful, with clear mountains and clear waters, the vegetation has not withered, and waves of heat are permeating the air, making it hazy like a fairyland.

"This is Dezhong Hot Spring, one of the four holy springs in Tibetan areas. It has a history of more than a thousand years. The spring water has many magical curative effects. In the past, it was an exclusive bathing place for princes, nobles and lamas." Lu Jiang said about the nearby terrain and situation Knowing everything, he stopped the car and said, "There is a Tibetan residential area nearby, and there is also a temple. I will take you to visit during the day."

Brothers and sisters Xibao and Fubao were used to hearing the horns and slogans in the camp, and seeing soldiers training and grazing on grass. Where had they seen such a scene? As soon as I got off the car, I screamed with joy and ran around.

"Water!" Fu Bao held his little face.

"Take a bath, take a bath!" Xibao immediately took off his clothes.

Feng Qingxue grabbed them and said, "Wait until dad takes us to find a suitable hot spring."

Although she knew there were hot springs in Tibetan areas, she had never been there and did not know much about them. It seemed that, just like Lu Jiang said, this hot spring was not too far from where Tibetans lived and there were traces of human activities.

Lu Jiang took out the tent and other items in the car and set up camp on the spot.

"Honey, it's okay for you to take the child around. Don't go too far, don't leave my sight."

Feng Qingxue looked at the time and said: "Bake some food for the children first, and then take them around after eating. Xibao, Fubao, are you hungry?" The last sentence was asked to the children.

Xibao's mouth watered when he heard about food, "Mom, eat meat."

Fu Bao touched his belly and said, "I'm hungry, mom, can I have something to eat?"

Feng Qingxue pretended to go to the car to get something. In fact, she took out the barbecue grill and charcoal from the space, and asked Lu Jiang to set up the grill and light the charcoal. She took out some one after another and threaded them with an iron drill. Lamb, vegetables, potato slices, eggplant slices, chicken wings, sausages and other foods were all prepared at home with the children on their backs. A lot of them were prepared.

The marinated mutton skewers and chicken wings were placed on the grill first, and as the charcoal fire heated up, the aroma gradually spread.

Xibao cheered and sat down opposite Feng Qingxue, on the other side of the grill, while Fubao stood leaning against Feng Qingxue, pointing at the potato slices, "Mom, slices!"

Sometimes, Feng Qingxue would use cow dung to roast meat or vegetables for them at home, so they all recognized it.

After hearing this, Feng Qingxue immediately put on a few bunches of potato slices and a few bunches of green vegetables.

Although the mutton and chicken wings were grilled first, the vegetables were cooked first. They were brushed with some sauce and cumin, and then they were blown to a plate and handed to a pair of children. Feng Qingxue was afraid of scalding the children and was afraid of iron. Xibao was very anxious when the knife pricked the child, but he didn't like eating vegetables, so he just stared at the undercooked mutton skewers, while Fubao grabbed the potato slices in his hand and took a small bite.

"It's delicious!" His big happy eyes narrowed into slits.

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