Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 854 Hot Spring Water Sliding 4

Xibao was so anxious that his mouth watered, and he urged: "Mom, hurry up, I want to eat meat!"

"Why are you anxious if you can't eat hot tofu? Eat the vegetables and potato slices first. When you finish, the meat will be cooked."

Xibao blinked his big watery eyes, "Mom, there is no tofu, I don't want to eat tofu, what I want to eat is meat, meat!" pointing to the sizzling mutton skewers and chicken wings on the grill.

"No vegetables, no meat!"

Feng Qingxue curled her lips, turned the mutton skewers over, continued to grill them, brushed them with sauce and sprinkled them with cumin.

Children can't eat spicy food, so the chili powder was naturally not sprinkled on it.

Fu Bao's face was smeared, holding a potato slice in one hand, and reaching out to Feng Qingxue's mouth with his left hand, "Mom, eat it!"

"Fu Bao is so good!" Feng Qingxue bit her head sideways.

The little girl ran up to Lu Jiang and held it up to him, "Daddy, eat it!"

"My eldest daughter is so good and considerate!" Lu Jiang's eyes and eyebrows were squeezed together with joy. Xibao never thought of giving him a vegetable leaf, "Dad is working, you go find mom and let mom Barbeque for you."

The little girl ran back joltingly, "Mom, daddy is working!"

There was a smile on Feng Qingxue's lips, "Well, dad is at work, how about we grill dad?"

"Okay, a lot of meat!" The little girl said sweetly, but then the topic changed, "Eat it for dad, eat it for mom, but don't give it to brother, because brother has no work!"

Xibao stuck out his tongue at her and wrinkled his nose, "I'll just eat it. I'll eat a lot of meat. I won't give it to Fubao!"

"Dishes!" Fu Bao pointed at the vegetables and potato slices on the plate in front of Xi Bao.

Xibao grabbed it and stuffed it into his mouth, swallowing it whole, "Mom, I've eaten vegetables, now I want to eat meat!"

Always obsessed with meat.

When the meat was cooked, Feng Qingxue picked it up and put it on the plate. She continued to put the raw mutton skewers on it. She turned around and put the cooked mutton skewers and chicken wings on the plate. After letting them cool down, she handed them to Xibao and took a piece. Give mutton to Fu Bao.

Fubao chewed for a long time, and Xibao had already finished several pieces of mutton.

The mutton skewers I prepared myself, each piece of mutton is generous, but a little thin, making it easier to grill.

Fu Bao ate a piece of mutton and a chicken wing, but he couldn't eat any more.

"Mom, I'm full. I'll work for dad!" The little girl touched her belly and ran to the tent that had been set up. "Dad, Fu Bao will help you work while you eat meat!"

Who wouldn't be happy to hear such sweet and tender words?

Lu Jiang picked up the eldest daughter and said, "Fu Bao is still young. Dad works and Fu Bao eats meat."

The father and daughter came to the grill closely. Feng Qingxue pointed to the basin and said, "Wash your hands first, then eat after washing your hands." After saying that, she put on a few skewers of sausages and vegetables, which are easier to grill. Made, cooked quickly.

When Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue started eating, Xibao gradually slowed down, probably because he was full.

"Mom, I'm going to play!" Xibao has long been curious about the surrounding environment and wants to fly around to see it all.

Feng Qingxue grabbed him and said, "When mom and dad are full, I will take you and your sister to play."

"Okay then, hurry up!"

As for Fu Bao, he had been squatting by the basin, wiping his face and hands with a wet towel, then going through Feng Qingxue's bag, taking out a small mirror and looking at his pretty face, "Mom, my Where's the cream? I want to put on the scent."

You can’t use mom’s, use your own!

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