Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 865 Turning against one another 1

Before the troops could talk to Jin Hong, Lu Zhaodi came over.

She found Lu Jiang and Zheng Xuefeng and got straight to the point, "I want to know what kind of instructions were issued from above to make Jin Hong divorce me regardless of his revolutionary feelings."

"Did you know that Jin Hong filed a divorce report?" Zheng Xuefeng was very surprised. He thought Jin Hong just filed a divorce report.

After all, if the troops do not agree, then Jin Hong's plan will be in vain.

"He asked me to divorce me!" Lu Zhaodi burst into tears. "Army Commander, Political Commissar Zheng, do you think he is a human being? He has been a soldier for so many years, and I stayed at home to serve him and take care of him. The younger one first served his parents and took care of his younger siblings. Zhaodi was born several years after we got married, so she came last. My parents ate rice and noodles, and Zhao Di and I ate bran vegetables. We finally looked forward to being able to join the army. When we came here, we never had a good day. Now he wants to divorce me! When it comes to obeying orders from above, I’m confused. Are the people below being taught to abandon their wives?”

Lu Jiang said nothing.

He and Feng Qingxue didn't go to Lu Zhaodi to settle the score, but it didn't mean that they had forgotten what Lu Zhaodi had done. Her gossip almost brought disaster to their family, how could they forgive her?

No matter how pitiful Lu Zhaodi was, Lu Jiang could not feel sympathy for her.

Of course, he was also very dissatisfied with Jin Hong's actions. He knew that the senior generals of the army had held a meeting and tried his best to obey the orders above without affecting the morale of the troops. He did not allow such behavior that destroyed revolutionary sentiments. He wanted to What to do? Doesn't he know that he has set a precedent by getting divorced in this name? What if the crowd follows suit?

We are now in a chaotic and strange era. The outside is simply crazy. Lu Jiang himself can't control the situation in the army. However, Ye Zhengjun and Comrade Deputy Commander have all gone to the capital, and there is no news.

When Zheng Xuefeng saw that Lu Jiang was silent, he asked himself: "Comrade Lu Zhaodi, has Jin Hong told you about the divorce?"

Lu Zhaodi nodded and choked up: "I told you, I told you, he insisted on divorcing me, and said he would obey orders and get rid of my old feudal ideas. I just said, some time before the Army Commander and the others went on vacation, how could Jin Hong always be right? I raised eyebrows and scolded me at every turn. It turned out that he wanted to divorce me at that time, but he just didn’t have a good excuse!"

"Preferring sons over daughters is indeed an old feudal idea." Zheng Xuefeng said something more pertinent, "If you hadn't always favored sons over daughters, how could you have left such an excuse for Comrade Jin Hong?"

Therefore, Lu Zhaodi also asked for it. The army talked to her and said many times that women hold up half the sky, but she didn't listen.

Of course, the main reason for the divorce was Jin Hong, and Zheng Xuefeng would not favor Jin Hong just because he was a soldier.

Lu Zhaodi cried loudly: "I know I'm wrong, I know I'm wrong, can't I change it? Knowing my mistakes can make a lot of improvements, I will change them, I will change them, I don't favor boys over girls, I treat everyone equally! Don't think that I have always been These are all old ideas. I have also experienced the pain of favoring boys over girls. I have made up my mind before to treat my children equally! "

"Then why have you always favored boys over girls since you came here? Is it so obvious?" Zheng Xuefeng asked.

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